
[Welcome to the IPNS] Interview with Dr. Chaowaroj Wanotayaroj of the EF Group

In May 2023, Dr. Chaowaroj Wanotayaroj, affectionately known as Max, joined the Energy Frontier Group at IPNS as a postdoctoral Fellow.

We interviewed him about what sparked his interest in the world of particle physics, the research he has conducted, and how he refreshes his mind when faced with challenges in his work.

■What sparked your interest in particle physics?

This will sound cliche, but as a child, I often wonder about the basic questions—Where did we come from and where are we going—which translate to the questions about the origin of the universe and the physical laws that governed it. In time I learned that particle physics is one of the fields that try to answer these by studying the most basic building blocks of nature. And here I am.

■What kind of research were you involved in before coming to KEK?

During my PhD, I worked on the search for the supersymmetric top partners and measurement involving jets with the ATLAS experiment. As a postdoc at DESY, I shifted my focus to the design, building, and testing of the on- and off-detector interface electronics board, which in turn leads to my involvement in the R&D for future high-speed link for high energy physics experiments as a CERN postdoc.

■What kind of research do you hope to pursue at KEK?

I joined the ATLAS group at KEK and will start by working on the electronics for the next Muon system upgrade for ATLAS. Since I have both physics analysis and electronics engineering experience, I would like to help accelerate the applications of new techniques and technologies for particle physics developments at KEK.

■Can you share your method of refreshing your mind when facing difficulties in research and work?

I go talk to other people—my supervisor, colleagues, etc. It is especially helpful to talk to people who do not work on the same project since they can often offer a fresh perspective. I am fortunate to always have been able to find plenty of such people, including many here at KEK. If that still does not work, then a simple break may be in order.
Rest, relax, and come back with a fresh mindset.

We look forward to your future activities at the IPNS!

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