Thanks to the supports from many people, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (new KEK) started with full enthusiasm from researchers. The foundation of this organization was formed from the Institute of Nuclear Study and the Meson Science Laboratory (both of University of Tokyo) and the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (former KEK).
This newly founded organization consists of Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, Institute of Materials Structure Science, Accelerator Laboratory and Applied Research Laboratory.
With this new organization, we are geared up for the next step of our research activities. Following pages show the future plans of KEK. Some of them are already into construction phase and some of them are in R&D stages. I hope we will see even greater number of people from outside of Japan participating in future activities at KEK and make this organization one of the truly international facilities.
This "KEK News" (both Japanese and English versions) replaces the KEK Monthly Report (Japanese version only) of the former KEK days, as the new organization starts. With its English version, we hope we can reach more people outside of Japan and attract many young physicists to participate in KEK activities. We will appreciate your continuing interest and support on future issues.
September 15, 1997 |
Director General

Hirotaka SUGAWAR |

Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
Director Sakue YAMADA
The Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies is working on the B-factory project and the Long-baseline neutrino oscillation project along with all other project INS and/or former KEK has been working on. This includes studies with 12 GeV proton synchrotron as well as collaboration on experiments or R&D efforts in the USA, Europe and Asia. R&D efforts concerning the research programs at the JHF and the JLC projects are also done in here.

Institute of Materials Structure Science
Director Yoshitaka KIMURA
The Institute of Materials Structure Science was founded on former Photon Factory and former Neutron Facility, both of KEK, and former Meson Science Laboratory of University of Tokyo. With the new organization this institute will be challenging wide varieties of activities in materials structure science field by fully utilizing accelerator generated research probes such as synchrotron radiation, neutrons, muons, slow positrons, etc.

Accelerator Laboratory
Director Motohiro KIHARA
Accelerator Laboratory specializes in all aspects of particle accelerators, fully utilizing wide range of experiences obtained from KEK accelerators as well as other R&D studies done at the former KEK accelerator division.
It will lead the designing of future accelerators as well.

Applied Research Laboratory
Director Kenjiro KONDO
Applied Research Laboratory consists of four research support centers. Along with its activities, this Laboratory supports various research activities at KEK with the advanced technology on computing, cryogenics, mechanical engineering, radiation physics and environmental protection.
Engineering Department
Director Akira MIKUNI
Engineering Department represents engineers and technicians of this organization to provide most effective professional assistance to physicists.

Administration Bureau
Secretary General Michiaki TAKAISHI
Administration Bureau is also reorganized to accommodate the new organization : General Management, International Research Cooperation and Plant & Facilities. |