JLC Project
The JLC project consists of the construction of an electron-positron linear collider and the experiment therewith at an initial center of mass energy around 250 - 500 GeV. The energy will be increased to around 1 TeV in the second phase. The JLC will allow us to study elementary processes that could happen only in the early very hot universe.
Initiated by the recommendation of the Japanese High Energy Physics committee in 1986, thorough R&D works have been performed at KEK, which include the developments of particle sources, RF systems, beam delivery and final focusing system, and the studies at ATF ( Accelerator Test Facility ) as well as the developments of the state-of-the-art detector technologies.
ATF Damping Ring Wiggler Section |
The ATF is a prototype for the linear collider. It consists of a 1.54 GeV injector linac and a damping ring. Started the construction in 1993, the successful high gradient acceleration, as high as 33 MeV/m, and control of multi-bunch beam of 20 bunches had been demonstrated in 1994 to 1996 period.The construction of the damping ring was completed in 1996. The picture at left shows the wiggler section of the ATF. In January 1997, the first beam was circulated through the damping ring, and further studies to achieve extremely low emittance are now in progress under the world wide collaboration from more than 10 countries. The preliminary results are promising to achieve the design goal.
To allow immediate startup and adiabatic energy upgrade, X-band technology with the realistic RF peak power specification has been chosen for the main linac design, while keeping the C-band technology as a backup scheme.
The figure shows the schematic layout of the JLC. The optimization of the design and the R&D in engineering aspects are now in progress.
Electron-Positron Lineac Collider JLC |
We are aiming at starting the construction of the phase-one accelerator in the early next century . The LC Project office has been established at KEK this year. The project is open to the international high energy society and it will be carried out by an international organization.
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