KEK News Vol.1 No.1
book cover
New organization
Present and Future plants at KEK
KEK B-Factory Project
Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
Photon Factory
Japan Hadron Facility Project at KEK
JLC Project
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Present and Future Plans at KEK
      TKEK has been operating for many years the 12 GeV Proton Synchrotron, the 0.5 GeV Booster Synchrotron Utilization Facility and the 2.5 GeV synchrotoron radiation source, Photon Factory, to be used for a variety of scientific research, while successfully completeing the 9-year high-energy-physics program in 1995 with the 60 GeV electron-positron collider (TRISTAN).

As you will see in the following pages, new KEK offers even richer advanced research programs with new projects which are all at final stages of construction ;

B-Factory project challenging to solve a mysterious, subtle imbalance between particles and their antiparticles ;
Long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiment aiming to probe very tiny masses of neutrinos ;
Upgraded Photon Factory providing very high quality light beams for materials science.

In parallel with these ongoing efforts, KEK is conducting intense studies and is preparing for the next-generation research facilities that again would lead the world.
Significant progresses have been made and an early start is anticipated for the following projects ;

JHF (Japan Hadron Facility) project, construction of a high-intensity proton accelerator complex, for nuclear physics, particle physics, and materials science.
Conversion of the 6.5 GeV Accumulation Ring to a dedicated synchrotron x-ray source.
JLC (Japan Linear Collider) project, construction of a 500 GeV electron-positron collider, for particle physics at energy frontier.

While these new projects are well under way, research activities at the present KEK facilities are already going strong, having over 500 visiting researchers from abroad every year. It is our intention to open all the research facilities to the world scientific community and, by having many more researchers from abroad involved in these new projects, to make KEK one of the truly international centers for accelerator science.

(for job openings, please see ).

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