Japan Hadron Facility Project at KEK
The main goal of the Japan Hadron Facility (JHF) is to advance sciences with accelerator complex that provides high intensity beams.
The accelerator complex consists of :
(1) |
200 MeV Linac |
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3 GeV Ring which provides proton beams at 200 mA, and |
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50 GeV Ring which provides proton beams at 10 mA. |
At the 50 GeV Proton Synchrotron (PS) nuclear physics experiments using kaon beams, anti-proton beams, pions beams, hyperon beams and primary beams including heavy ions are planned. In addition, experiments on kaon rare decays, other symmetry tests, and an advanced neutrino oscillation experiment using Super-Kamiokande as a detector will be carried out. This area of research which utilizes the 50 GeV PS is called the K Arena in JHF. The 3 GeV ring will be used as a booster synchrotron for the 50 GeV main ring. In addition, it is designed to provide beam current of 200 mA, which corresponds to 0.6 MW.

Japan Hadron Facility (JHF) at KEK |

Three areas in physics research will be pursued. The first one is the neutron physics with a spallation neutron source. This area, called the N Arena, will concentrate on condensed matter physics, material sciences and life sciences. In the second area, called the M Arena, muon sciences will be carried out, such as mSR (muon spin rotation/relaxation), muon catalyzed fusion, and other material sciences. Also, particle physics experiments such as a me conversion experiment are planned. In the third, the E Arena will devote on nuclear physics research using the ISOL-type radioactive beams.
Once this facility is constructed, it will be open to the entire international science community. It is rather inconvenient for non-Japanese users to travel to KEK to initiate and perform experiments. Thus, one of the major tasks presently in progress at KEK is to try to improve infrastructure of KEK so that it would be easier to work at KEK for non-Japanese physicists.
The JHF proposal was sent to the Government in 1997. The project is under the review of the Government. We anticipate, if the project is approved, to have the first beam in 2004.
Heavy ion lineac constructed at the Tanashi Branch of KEK. This lineac will be used for acceleration of unstable nuclear beams at JHF. |