Photon Factory
PF 2.5GeV Ring Beam Line
PF-AR (6.5GeV) Beam Line |
The Photon Factory has two storage
rings for synchrotron radiation research. One is a dedicated 2.5
GeV positron (electron) storage ring (I=400mA,t=60hrs) which has
been operational since 1982. The other is the 6.5 GeV Tristan Accumulation
Ring (I=40mA,t=3hrs) which has been used parasitically for synchrotron
radiation research since 1986. About 700 experimental proposals
are active now covering a variety of scientific fields.
Upgrade program of 2.5 GeV ring
In 1997 the lattice of the 2.5 GeV ring is being modified to reduce
the emittance of the electron beam from the present value of 130
nmrad to 27 nmrad (Commissioning of the ring is being scheduled
in Oct. 1997). With this modification, the brilliance of the SR
source will be enhanced by a factor of 5 to 10.
Modification of the lattice of 2.5Gev ring
for emittance upgrade |
Brilliance of 60-pole undulator is enhanced
by a factor of 5 to 10. |
Conversion of 6.5 GeV Tristan Accumulation
Ring to a dedicated synchrotron radiation source for production
of intense pulse X-rays
The parameters of the proposed ring is given in the table. With
this new machine, pulse X-rays having a pulse width of 100ps and
repetition interval of 1.25 ms will be produced. Time-resolved diffraction
and spectroscopy experiments will be carried out for studies of
intermediate structures of reacting biological systems, chemical
catalysis and condensed matters. By building new experimental halls,
5 new insertion device beamlines and 3 bending magnet beamlines
will be constructed in addition to the existing beamlines (2 insertion
devices and 2 bending magnets).
: New Ring for the production of Intense Pulse X-Rays |
Energy |
6.0 GeV |
current |
200 mA |
emittance |
159 nmrad |
life time |
10 hrs |
mode of operation |
single bunch |
circumference |
377.26 m |
Bending radius |
17.825 m |
number of insertion device |
6 |
typical layout of a beam
line |
Present building and beam
lines |