Buying a car & Parking place certificate & Car Tax |
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車を購入する場合、道幅 や駐車場が狭い日本ではあまり大きくない車をお薦めします。
If you plan to drive through Tokyo and its vicinity, I would suggest a car with an automatic
Traffic jam can be so bad, you will appreciate the automatic transmi-ssion, unless you want to exercise
your left leg desperately.
Be aware of narrow Japanese roads. I would not recommend you to buy a big car like old American full
size since you will experience all sorts of difficulties through narrow roads, parking space, etc. Stay
significantly below, say, 200cm wide and 155cm tall car if you want to park your car without running
around to find a parking that will accomodate your car.
中古車を購入するのが新しい車を購入するより安いと仮定しないでください。 中古車購入後の自動車検査時に
Do not assume that driving a used car is cheaper than driving a new car. There are cases that this
might not apply. Due to the regulation that you should regularly (every one or two years for most cases)
get safety inspection to have the "Motor vehicle inspection certificate" ( called ' sha-ken-show ' ) of your
car validated. Cost for this can be rather high and, at some point, you would rather get rid of your old
car and get a newer one.
中古車 (普通車、もしくは軽自動車) を購入する時に必要な書類、車庫証明、自動車税について
The documents which are necessary at the time of the purchase by used car (Standard-size
car or Kei-car), Parking place certificate and Report of the Autmobile acquisition tax.
The necessary documents for a standard-size car and a Kei-car (compact car, the engine is limited to
660cc and seating is limited to 4, but considering the low cost of ownership for these lightweights)
are different. Please visit each site.