自動車関連 Automobile Related
有効期間は、入国日から1年間か免許証の有効期間のいずれか短い期間です。 あなたの国の有効な運転免許証を
もとに日本の免許証を取得できす。 運転免許証の公式翻訳が必要です。そして、運転、道路交通法のテスト、お
(必読)日本で車を運転する場合は 必ずお読みください。<日本語/English 併記 >
You must not assume that laws and customs regarding driving a car are the same as that in your
country. You should study the Japanese law before you start driving in Japan.
In order to drive a car in Japan, an International driver's License or a Japanese driver's License is
If you can get an international driver's license which the member nation of the Geneva Convention
agreement of 1949 publishes in your country.
The International Driver's license is valid in Japan for one year from the date of the holder's initial
enter to Japan or the date of expiration, which ever comes first. Between the countries Japan has an
agreement with, you could obtain a Japanese driver's license if you have a valid driver's license of
your country. You need to bring an official translation of the driver's license, and you must go through
some tests on physical fitness for driving, test on traffic laws and actual driving test sometimes.
(Must read) It is a important guidance, if you are going to drive a car in Japan <PDF>
Pleases see the web site of Kanagawa Police.