家電・外国語テレビ放送 ・ オンライン動画発信サービス・ラジオ
Electric Appliances & TV Programs
& Online video subscription service and Radio
家電について Electric appliances |
AC100 volts, 50Hz or 60Hz
日本のコンセントは(2ピン)で北米と同じです。北米の家電は、日本でアダプターなしで使用できます。しかしながら、機密関係の機器は、適切に働いてくれないかもしれませんし、また破損する可能性もあります。 |
In Japan, the line voltage is 100V. The frequency of electric current is 50 Hertz in Eastern Japan
(including Tsukuba, Tokyo, Yokohama, Tohoku, Hokkaido) and 60 Hertz in Western Japan (including
Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Shikoku, Kyushu), however this frequency difference affects only
sensitive equipment. Japanese power outlets are identical to ungrounded (2-pin) North American
Some North American equipment will work fine in Japan without adapter and vice versa, however,
some sensitive equipment may not work properly or even get damaged.
NHK放送受信料について The Receiving fee to NHK
影響にとらわれることなく役立つ番組づくりをしています(by NHK)
Receiving fees are payable from the month you installed a television set. Please contact NHK when you
no longer need to pay receiving fees in the event you no longer possess a TV set or are leaving Japan.
The receiving fees can be paid easily and conveniently either by credit card or automatically from your
Japanese bank account.
The Broadcast Law of Japan (1950) applies to all residents of Japan, regardless of nationality. NHK is
established under this law as a public broadcaster operated on the basis of receiving fees levied fairly
on all viewers. Every owner of a television set is thereby required by law to enter into a Broadcast
Receiving Contract with NHK and pay the appropriate receiving fee. (by NHK)
Please visit NHK web site:
テレビの外国語放送 Foreign language TV Programs
ます。最近は サテライトやケーブルテレビでより多くの番組を見ることができます。
ケーブルテレビプロバイダーで、より多くのバラエティープログラムを提供するACCS (アカデミックな newtown
Community Cable Service)があります。 彼らのプログラムを受信するためには、ACCSに加入しなければなりませ
ん。ACCSの基本料金に加えて、追加料金で映画、音楽、劇などを見ることができます。 詳細に関しては、ACCS
(029-852-6111)か、KEK ユーザーズオフィスにお尋ねください。
In Tsukuba one can receive five private and two national NHK channels over the air, while other parts
of the country may be able to receive fewer channels. These days, satellite and cable television are
becoming more popular.
There is one cable TV provider, ACCS (Academic-newtown Community Cable Service), which provides
wider variety of programs. To receive their program, you must subscribe to the ACCS.
In addition to the basic subscription to the ACCS, movies, music, plays and so forth can be watched for
an extra charge.
For detail, call them at 852-6111 or contact KEK Users Office.
英語のTVプログラム TV programs in English
・NHK BS1 の NHKワールドTVでは英語で放映しています。
・NHKオンラインによる外国語放送 NHK Online Foreign language Programs
NHK have the international broadcasting service.
Please visit Website. : 

・パソコンで海外のニュースが見れます。 Watch overseas news with a PC
オンライン動画発信サービス Online video subscription service
映画やテレビ番組を英語で視聴できる2つのサービスHulu とNetflixをご紹介します。
You can watch many Movies and TV shows in English. We introduce two services Hulu and Netflix.
Only 933 yen a month for unlimited access. Cancel anytime.
However, please confirm it because you cannot watch them with all PCs, TV, smartphone. Please see
more information.
Please visit the Hulu web site : (Japanese) (English )
If you want to watch Netflix from Japan you need to jump trough a few hoops, but it is actually very
easy to do. Since there are some procedures, please look at a web site for details.
Please visit the web site : 
ラジオの外国語放送 Foreign language Radio Programs
日本のAMとFM無線周波数は、他国と同じではありません。 したがって、あなたの国からあなたのラジオを持って
来るのは、賢明ではありません。 短波バンドを受けることができるラジオを手に入れるなら、あなたの国からラジ
オ番組を聞くことができるかもしれません。 英語のプログラムを提供するいくつかの放送局が日本にはあります。
AM and FM radio frequencies are not in the same range as that in other countries, although some part
does overlap. Hence it is not wise to bring your radio from your country. If you get a radio that can
receive short wave band, you may be able to listen to programs from your country. There are a few
radio stations that provide programs in English. Major one is AFN(American Forces Network ) at 810kHz.
Some other FM stations are providing English programs.
米軍放送(米軍放送)は、 810kHzです。
・ AFN (American Forces Network ) : AM 810 kHz (Fully English)
・ bayfm :FM 78.0 MHz
・ NACK5 :FM 79.5MHz
・ InterFM :FM 89.7 MHz
・ FM Yokohama :FM 84.7MHz