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 J-PARC Users Office

             Year2017ya, Year2016ya, Year2015ya, Year2014ya, Year2013ya, Year2012ya 

 Fiscal 2018
 2019. 2.22  231  User Support System will be shut off(3/2).
 2019. 2.19  230  Updating User Registration per each project and Radiation Workers Registration.
 2019. 2.14  229  User Support System will be shut off.
 2019. 2.05  228  Well water supply outage .
 2019. 1.17  227  The restriction of using the bath due to the remodeling work of the 3rd floor of
 the KEK dormitory Bldg #2 .
 2019. 1.15  226  User Support System will be shut off (Feb.2-Feb.4).
 2018.12.20  225  Regarding plumbing work of Bldg.1 at KEK dormitory.
 2018.12.17  224  Precaution for the information security incident during New Year Holidays
 2018.12.17  223  Year-end/New Year schedule
 2018.12.13  222  Temporary wireless network suspension on December 26
 2018.11.28  221  Regarding the restriction of using the dormitory parking due to the fire drill.
 2018.11.28  220  Emergency Drill and Fire Drill on Tsukuba Campus
 2018.11.19  219  The traffic restrictions due to Tsukuba Marathon.(Nov/25)
 2018.10.30  218  User Support System will be shut off for updates (Oct.29)
 2018.10.25  217  J-PARC shuttle bus stop will be temporary changed (10/29)
 2018.10.10  216  The traffic restrictions for the Tsukuba Bicycle Race(10/14)
 2018.10.01  215  Regarding Users’ Meeting
 2018. 8.17  214  User Support System will be shut off.(Aug.22, Aug 25-27)
 2018. 8.08  213  Schedule for KEK facilities during KEK Summer Holiday.
 2018. 6.28  212  Temporarily suspension of the KEK wireless network in July.
 2018. 6.22  211  Cleaning of the wood deck with high-pressure water sprayers (Jun. 4)
 2018. 5.30  210  Electric Power and Water Supply Cut Off (Aug. 3 - Aug. 5)
 2018. 4.26  209  Business hours of shop and cafeteria during Golden Week holiday
 2018. 4.18  208  Regarding annual renewal of Wireless LAN (MA cluster)
 2018. 4.09  207  User Support System will be shut off for updates on Apr.11(Wed.)
 2018. 4.02  206  KEK Summer Holiday 2018 (2018. 6.22 Add about Tokai)
 updated: 2019-02-22     shita

                             1-1 Oho Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan. e-mail: visitorssupport@kek.jp
                             HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, KEK Users Office