Proposals>PF-AR Test Beamline
PF-AR Instrumentation Technology Development Test Beamline Experiment |
Application guideline for PF-AR Instrumentation Technology Development Test Beamline for the fiscal year 2025
We are calling for proposals regarding research projects using Instrumentation Technology Development Test Beamline at Photon Factory Advanced Ring (PF-AR) in KEK Tsukuba Campus.
I. Eligibility |
-Professors, researchers, engineers of both domestic and international universities or public research institutes
-Those who are deemed academically equivalent of those above-mentioned by Director of Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK
-Those who belong to research institutes which are qualified to apply for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, KAKENHI
following two requirements also need to be satisfied to participate in experiments:
-Take out liability insurance and accident insurance
-Register as a qualified radiation worker
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II. Machine time schedule for PF-AR Test Beamline |
III. Application |
A. Application form: Free format
The following items needs to be included in the application:
1. Title of the proposed experiment
2. Name of the Principal Investigator(PI)
in case PI does not understand Japanese, you are required to assign your contact person who resides in Japan and understands Japanese.
3. PI's affiliation
4. PI's position
5. Contact information (email address and telephone number)
6. Summary of the proposed experiment
7. Research organization (collaborating members' names, affiliations, positions and roles in the experiment)
8. Research plan (research purpose, experimental methods, desired request of beam specifications and beamtime usage plan)
9. Beamtime request and desired beam allocation dates
Please indicate as much wide available dates as possible, since we cannot always accommodate beamtime requests from users.
10.Publications and research papers related with the proposed experiment. Adopted beamtime in the past.
B. Submission Deadline: Friday, March 21, 2025
Applications are accepted at any time as far as available beamtime.
C. Submission: applications need to be submitted by email addressed to kyodo1[at]mail.kek.
The title of the mail should be [PF-AR Test Beamline application]
Please confirm that there is no garbled character in the application before sending it.
You will receive a mail of confirmation of acceptance from Research Collaboration and User Support Division.
Please contact the office by email or phone if you don’t receive a confirmation within three business days.
D. Miscellaneous
1. Please consult the coordinators of Instrumentation Technology Development Center in advance if you plan to bring hazardous materials like chemicals and poisons.
2. The coordinators will arrange the work including radiation and general safety compliance after adoption.
3. Please note that target position to generate photon cannnot be changed at the discretion of users: please consult the coordinators for beam rate in advance.
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IV. Review and Approval |
Submitted proposals are reviewed, and judgement of approval /rejection and priority are determined by the PF-AR Test Beamline Program Advisory Committee, based on the following evaluation criteria.
1. Academic value
2. Technical feasibility
3. Capability of experimental group
4. Relevancy to the Test Beamline experimental plan
Applications of the experiments are limited for peaceful purposes only.
V. Contact |
For inquiries regarding conducting experiments
Coordinators of Instrumentation Technology Development Center
E-mail: artbl-secretariat[at]ml.post.kek.jp
For inquiries regarding applications
Research Cooperation and User Support Division
TEL: 029-864-5126
FAX: 029-879-6137
VI. Publication of experimental results |
Experimental results are required to be published in the form of academic journal publication or oral presentation at academic conferences.
When you publish your research results, you are required to clearly state that the results are based on the experiments conducted at KEK.
Please register the results to KEK Publication Database. https://kpd.kek.jp/pds/
Please also submit at least one user report for one adopted research project after beamtime.
VII. Intellectual properties |
Intellectual property rights obtained through the experiments at PF-AR Test Beamline shall be settled by the parties based on the KEK Regulations for the Treatment of Intellectual Properties.
VIII. References |
Instrumentation Technology Development Center: