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 ■KEK Users Office
 1-1 Oho Tsukuba, Ibaraki
 305-0801 Japan.

 ■J-PARC Center Users Office
 162-1 Shirakata Tokai-mura
 Naka-gun,Ibaraki 319-1195
 Tel: 029-284-3398
 Fax: 029-284-3286

Proposals>Multiprobe Experiment (IMSS)
 cha Multiprobe Experiment (IMSS)

Call for Proposal(in the second half of FY2025) - Multiprobe Experiment (IMSS)

  Institute of Materials Structure Science (IMSS), KEK is a research organization that researchers from both inside and outside Japan study the structure and functionality of materials using synchrotron radiation at Photon Factory (PF), slow positron at Slow Positron Facility, neutron and muon beam at Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) in Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex(J-PARC).

   IMSS publicly calls for the experiment proposals in which no less than two of the four beams above are required to be used, as Multiprobe Experiment. IMSS welcomes the submission of the research proposals by researchers of foreign countries as well as those from Japan. Qualified applicants are those from national, public or private universities as well as from national, public or non-profitable research organizations.

1. Categories

There are two types of experiment as of FY2025.

type of experiment
season of proposal
once a year (November) twice a year (May/November)
valid period of experiment
3 years 1 year
nature of experiment
research project which requires no less than two of the 4 beams below
-Synchrotron Radiation
-Slow Positron
research project which requires no less than two of the 4 beams below
-Synchrotron Radiation
-Slow Positron
(1)submission documents
(3)Result and score are decided by project advisory committees (PAC) of related probes
(1)submission documents
(2)document examination
(3)Result and score are decided by project advisory committees (PAC) of related probes.
conditions for adoption
needs full approvals by all probes decided by each probe(only approved probes are available )
yearly none
2. Deadlines and Procedure
We accept only standard type in the second half of FY2025.
(a) Application: Designated application forms (WORD) are downloaded here:
 Standard type.
(b) Deadline: 9th May (Fri), 13:00 (JST)
We accept proposals from 7th April (Mon), 9:00 (JST).
(c) Submission:
· Please send the completed application form of WORD or PDF flie to kyodo1[at]   (Research Collaboration and User Support Division).
· The e-mail should be titled [Multiprobe_EXproposal(spokesperson’s name)].
· In case the email becomes 3MB or more, please inquire about the other address to the office in advance.
· After submission, Research Collaboration and User Support Division will send an e-mail to notify that the proposal is received.  
· Please contact Research Collaboration and User Support Division if you do not receive the confirmation e-mail within three days.

* Exceedingly important proposals (both of two types) can be received at any time.
(Expert type / Standard type.)
3. Review of the proposals

Proposals are evaluated based on scientific merit, technical feasibility of the research plan, capability of the experimental group and necessity of using multiple beams. The research proposals are restricted for peaceful purposes only, based on Resolution No. 3 of the 33rd extraordinary general meeting of the Physical Society of Japan (Butsuri, 23 (1968) 250, in Japanese) and on the decision of the 522nd committee (Butsuri, 50 (1995) 696, in Japanese).

4. Publication of Results

Experimental results should be published in the Activity Report and/or in other academic journals or presented at conferences. In these publications, it should be clearly expressed that the research work is carried out based on Multiprobe Experiment at KEK.

Concerning the rights on the results from the experiment(s) and their Intellectual Property, please contact Research Collaboration and User Support Division.
 5. Inquiries should be sent to:
 (1)About the application forms
Research Collaboration and User Support Division
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
E-mail: kyodo1[at]
 (2)About the experiments
Director, Center for Integrative Quantum Beam Science (CIQuS), IMSS-KEK
E-mail: kenta.amemiya[at]
6. Others

· The title, name and affiliation of the spokesperson will be opened through web and publications.


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   1-1 Oho Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan