Operation Manual - Initial Registration
Initial Registration<PDF >
※ User ID is sent by e-mail within one week after you have registered.
Please enter from top of website 「User Registration」 ⇒「Document:Terms of Service for the Shared Support System High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)」
Please click 「Agree」 button after you read the document Terms of Service for the Shared Support System High Energy Accelerator Research Organization".
#Choice of purpose of our visit
Choice the purpose of your visit and click the [Proceed to user registration] button.
#User Registration
Personal information
Please fill in the necessary items, then click [Go to the personal contact information input screen] button.
※After your ID is issued, you will need the password to log in to the user portal.
#Personal contact Information
Please fill in the necessary items.
※Emergency Contact Person Name(*): Please enter the information of someone other than yourself
#Affiliation information
Please fill in the necessary items.
If you cannot search, please enter it in the manual input field.
Please mark in the box in front of "I agree an confirm the information" It's the middle of the page.
#User Registration(Conform)
Please check that your registration information is correct and click the [Agree] button.
※ If there is only a [Return] button, please go back and confirm the contents.