When you ride a bicycle in Japan, be sure to read the main rules before
you do.
Penal Regulations of a Bicycle (we do not list all in PDF) PDF
office's Free Bicycle Rental |
The Users Office provides 60 bicycles for users to use within one week.
First, fill out an application form to borrow a bicycle at the Users Office and
submit it to a staff.
Advance reservations are not accepted.
There are 15 bicycles for 1-day use at Dormitory.
Please ask a superintendent. The following rules for using a bicycle provided by the
Users Office(UO).
All users must read the rules and agree with all the articles
using the bicycle. Users are presumed to have agreed with all
1. A person who borrowed a bicycle from Users Office (User) must
take good care of the bicycle.
2. The user takes responsibility for their accidents while using the
bicycle. when the user has an
accident, please give us a status report.
3. The user shall pay in full for any damages. The user also shall
pay for a key if lost.
(The normal wear, such as a flat tire and minor dents are not
responsibility of the user)
When the user finds a problem with the rented bicycle, please give
us the status report.
4. The user must park the bicycle in the designated parking areas.
5. When the Users Office is closed, return the bicycle key to the
dormitory’s superintendent office
or a return box (Map )
near the Users Office. And the user park the bicycle in the bicycle
area by the Users office).
(Users Office opens 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) except national
holidays and Dec.28 - Jan.3.)
The user borrow a bicycle from the Dormitory, return the bicycle
in the Dormitory bicycle parking
area and the bicycle key to the superintendent office.
We are providing it free of charge for our users, so we ask
for your understanding that the bicycle
will be not used by any other person other than the user.
You won’t be allowed to rent a bike after you fail to return the
bicycle on the expected return date or
to comply with above rental conditions.
※You must use a bicycle light at
night as well as during foggy weather.
※You should ride on the left
side of the street.
※Please be advised that not to
wear headphones while using a bicycle.
Thank you for your cooperation.
For more information, please ask the Users Office
Tel : 029-879-6135