3rd workshop of Concepts of neutron sources (CoNS-Ⅲ)

J-PARCワークショップとして、新しい概念の中性子源を目指す研究会「第3回 Concept of Neutron Sources」を開催します。

開催日時:平成30年8月21日(火) 10:00 - 17:00
会  場:KEK東海一号館324号室
     〒319-1195 茨城県那珂郡東海村白方2番地4
     テレビ会議接続 KEK MCU
Conference number: 962
参 加 費:無料

Date: 2018 August 21st(Tue) 10:00-17:00
Place: KEK Tokai 1st Building Room 324 & TV meeting (MCU) 962
Web page


Start time : Title Speaker
10:00 : Opening remark T. Otomo
10:05 : Introduction of the workshop of neutron sources K. Mishima
10:30 : Possibility of low energy neutron source based on 1.7 GeV undulator radiation S. Sasaki
10:55 : PHITS simulation on neutron production by photons Y. Fuwa
11:20 : Recent progress of neutron scattering cross section measurement for candidate moderator and reflector materials M. Teshigawara
11:45 : Generation of thermal neutron scattering cross section from evaluated nuclear data K. Tada
12:10 : Laser-driven Neutron Source -State of the art and possible applications- A. Yogo
12:35 : Lunch
13:35 : Compact portable fusion neutron sources S. Sharma
14:00 : Proposal of the Compact Neutron Source by D-D Reaction with Negative Ion Source K. Jimbo
14:25 : Activity on the standardization of the terminology related to neutron experiment K. Hirota
14:50 : Break
15:10 : Development of a helium cryostat for the TUCAN source S. Kawasaki
15:35 : Cold neutron moderation developments for the TUCAN source E. Pierre
16:00 : Some Recent Progress on Ultracold Neutron Source Development A. Young
16:25 : Progress of preliminary neutronic study for the second spallation neutron source in J-PARC M. Harada
16:50 : Closing remark


組織委員: 鬼柳善明(名古屋大)、清水裕彦(名古屋大)、Albert YOUNG(ノースカロライナ州立大)、大友季哉(KEK)、岩下芳久(京都大)