You can make a payment by cash or credit card at the Users Office. We can accept VISA, Master
Card, JCB, American Express and Debit card.
All those users check out during holidays, who are not able to make a room payment at the Users
Office, will be allowed to make a payment to a superintendent at the dormitory. Cash or Credit
cards can be accepted. The superintendent does not have change.
Online payment (Credit card payment) for accommodation charge of the Dormitory is possible
from on April 1st, 2020.
Please see more information :
Apartment Charge :
Please pay the charge when you get the invoice from the Users Office. Your apartment charge will
not be deducted from the travel expenses.
* Please confirm your lodging charge on your portal site.
* Regarding refunding the accommodation fee:
It is not refundable once you make an accommodation payment except unable to use
accommodation due to a natural disaster or some reasons of KEK.