Research Overview

Reserach Overview


At the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, many researchers and graduate students from universities and research institutes both in Japan and abroad participate, and we are actively conducting cutting-edge particle and nuclear experiments in a wide range of fields, including the following:

(1)B Factory

(2)Energy Frontier


(4)Hadron : Kaon Rare Decay(in Japanease)

(5)Hadron : Lepton Flavor Violation(in Japanese)

(6)Hadron : Hadrons and Hypernuclei(in Japanese)

(7)Hadron : Beam Dynamics(in Japanese)

(8)Muon – Neutron(in Japanese)

(9)Nuclear Science

(10)Experimental Cosmophysics


(12)Electronics System(in Japanese)

last updated 06.Nov.2024
