外貨両替 Foreign Money Exchange
2021 年以降、外貨両替の取り扱いを終了もしくは制限する銀行が増えており、現在つくば市内で取り扱いのある銀⾏(ゆうちょ銀行を含む)はありません。よって海外からお越しの場合、空港での両替をおすすめします。また東京都内には、外貨両替の取り扱いのある大手銀行支店・ATM や外貨両替専門店もあります。詳しくは、各銀行・専門店にお問い合わせください。
Since 2021, a lot of the banks offer only limited currency exchange services while some have completely discontinued them. In Tsukuba, there are NO banks (including post offices) that currently offer currency exchange services. (In Tokyo, major banks offer currency exchange services at selected branches/ATMs. There are also some businesses that exclusively offer foreign currency exchange services. For more information, please search online.) If you are arriving from overseas and wish to exchange your foreign currency to Japanese yen, we recommend you do so at the time of arrival at the airport.
If you need to exchange foreign currency to/from Japanese Yen in Tsukuba, the following shop offers the service:
大黒屋 つくばデイズタウン店 Daikoku-ya Tsukuba Days Town
- 住 所:〒305-0032 つくば市竹園1-9-2 デイズタウン内1F
- 電 話:029-886-9310
- 営業時間:10:00〜19:00
- 休 業 日:第1もしくは第2水曜日(休業日は変動する場合があります)。
- 取扱外貨
- 円⇒外貨:米ドル、ユーロ
- 外貨⇒円:米ドル、ユーロ、英ポンド、カナダドル、豪ドル、韓国ウォン、香港ドル、
- Address : 1-9-2 Takezono, Tsukuba (1st floor inside the Days Town shopping mall)
- Phone : 029-886-9310
- Store Hours: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Closed : 1st or 2nd Wednesday(day may vary).
- Exchangeable Currencies
- From JPY to: US$, Euros
- To JPY from: US$, Euros, UK£, CA$, AU$, KRWon, HK$, THBaht, SG$, PHPeso, CHYuan