In case of conventional apartments, the cost for utilities such as gas and electricity is not included in the
Before moving into an apartment, contact the utility companies' nearest offices in order to get the supply
started on the day you move in.
ガスの開設 Getting the gas supply started: 'kaisetsu'
You have to call the gas corporation and determine the date when you want to start using the gas, after
making the contract. The gasman comes on that day to open the valve. Most leasehold properties are
not equipped with gas cookers. So you need to buy it beforehand.
ガス料金 Charge: 'ryokin'
の自動振替え払い、または、 2)毎月郵送されてくる振込用紙の金額を金融機関かコンビニエンスストアーで支払い
Gas charges are billed monthly, Gas charges includes the basic charge and the charge according to the
actual amount you used. You can choose payment method in two ways.
(1) Automatic withdrawal from your bank account.
(2) Pay each month according to the bill you will receive.
転出 Moving out: 'tenshutu'
You must notify the gas company one day before you move out.
上下水道の開設 Getting the Water supply: 'jyo-ge suido no kaisetu'
上下水道を使い始める前に、つくば市水道お客様センター( 029-851-2811, 8時30分から5時15分)へ開始の連絡
をしてください。2~3分で使用できるようになります。 転出をする場合は、3日前までに連絡をして下さい。
When moving in, contact the Tsukuba Water Department of the City Office 'tsukuba-shi okyakusama
Center' (029-851-2811, 8:30-17:15). You will be able to use it a few minutes later.
When you move out, you must inform them at least three days before your moving out.
上下水道料金 Utility bills: 'ryokin'
水道料金は2ヶ月に1回請求され、請求額には、基本料金と使用量の料金を加算した金額です。支払いは、1) 銀行
Water charges are billed monthly including the basic charge and the change according to the actual
amount you used. You can choose payment method in two ways.
(1) 自動引き落とし Automatic withdrawal from your bank account,
(2) 銀行等での支払い pay each month according to the bill you will receive.
Fill your address, your name, and the date you start using, on the postcard that is hanged down from
the main breaker soon after you enter the room, and send it to the office of Tokyo Electric Power
Company. Electricity becomes available immediately after you turn on the breaker.
電気については、東京電力のWebサイト「サービスガイド 」をご覧ください。
http://www.tepco.co.jp/e-rates/index-j.html (Japanese)
Pleases visit the Service Guide for Tokyo Electric Power Company website.
http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/customer/guide/moving-e.html (English)
つくば市/ 日本には ゴミの出し方について多くの決まりごとがあります。つくば市のWebサイトとガイドブック
There is regulation of the Garbage separation a lot in Tsukuba / Japan.
Please see the Tsukuba City Website.
Tsukuba City HP : http://www.tsukubainfo.jp/living/ (English)
NHK(日本放送協会) NHK ( Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai, Japan Broadcasting Corporation) |
NHK is Japan's public television and radio broadcaster.
When you install the first TV set in your residence, please telephone NHK. An NHK representative will
call on you to arrange for the signing of the Contract. Receiving fees are payable from the month you
installed a television set.
Please visit the NHK Website to see more Information:
http://pid.nhk.or.jp/jushinryo/multilingual/english/index.htm (English)