Operation Manual - Add projects to your User Registration |
Japanese |
If you work on several projects, you must do separate User Registration per each project.
When you can not recall your User ID and/or Password, please e-mail us.
With the first project registration, you receive an ID and temporary pass word, that should be changed within 48 hours, otherwise your temporary password will expire.
Please be aware that the same procedures from your portal site must be repeated every fiscal year starting in Japan on April 1st. In other words, registration is valid for one year only.
How to add projects to your User Registration<PDF >
Please enter from your User Portal
⇒ Left-hand side of the screen 「Administrative Procedures for Visiting KEK/J-PARC」
⇒ 「2. Identify the purpose of your visit to KEK/J-PARC」
#Choice of purpose of our visit
Choice the purpose of your visit and click the [Proceed to user registration] button.
#User Registration
Personal information
Please fill in the necessary items, then click [Conform] button.
Please mark in the box in front of “I agree and confirm the information” It's the middle of the page.
#User Registration(Conform)
Please check that your registration information is correct and click the "Agree" button.
※If there is only a [Return] button, please go back and confirm the contents.
When your application is approved by the Users Office, you will receive an email with the message "KEK User Support System <Completion of the Registration for KEK Activity>".