The Forms(documents) which a spokesman(person in charge) must submit
$B!!(BFrom enter your User Portal$B!!(B
$B!!(BLeft-hand-side of screen $B!V(BTeam Member Approval$B!W(B ⇒ $B!V(B1. Team Member Approval$B!W(B
1. |
$B!V(BTeam Member Information$B!W(B
$B!!(B$B!V(B1. Froml$B!W(B
$B!!-!(B Please select your project
$B!!(B $B!!(Band Experiment number.
$B!!-"(B Please click$B!V(BSearch$B!W(B
$B!!(B $B!!(Bbutton. |
![sporksperson-list](images/spokesperson/sporksperson-list.gif) |
2. |
$B!!(BThe documents which
$B!!(Bdisplayed ”Yes” on the
$B!!(Bscreen are necessary.
$B"((B1 The team members are
$B!!(Blisted automatically on the
$B!!(Bform 9-2, Application Form
$B!!(Bfor Radiation Work at KEK,
$B!!(Bas soon as their user
$B!!(Bregistration are completed
$B"((B2 You must print out the
$B!!(Bform 9-2 and send it to the
$B!!(BKEK Radiation Science
$B!!(BCenter at the following
$B!!(BMailing Address:
$B!!(BKEK Radiation Science Cente
$B!!(BPlease be aware that you
$B!!(Bcannot print out the form
$B!!(Bunless the pop-up blocker
$B!!(Bis turned off |
$B!!(BMailing Address: KEK Radiation Science Center
$B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(B1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan
$B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(BFax : +81-29-864-1993 |
$B!!(BSpokesperson(Person in charge) may approve the team member is below case.
$B!!!!!!(B1. In case there is no name on the registered list.
$B!!!!!!(B2. For the member who had not submitted the report last year.
$B!!(BAs to proceed the approval Leader could take an approval transaction by following transaction
$B!!(BLeader will get a notice of request for the KEK application from the User Office, and then access to
$B!!(Bthe portal site and follow the instruction on the screen.
$B!!(BWe approve it if sent us an email beforehand. E-mail: uo2@mail.kek.jp
$B!!!!(BPlease enter your User Portal
$B!!!!(BLeft-hand side of the screen $B!V(BTeam Member Approval$B!W(B ⇒ $B!V(B1. Team Member Approval$B!W(B
1. |
$B!V(BTeam Member Approval$B!W(B
$B!V(B1. Team Member
$B!!-!(B Please select your
$B!!!!(B project and Experiment
$B!!!!(B number.
$B!!-"(B Please click$B!V(BSearch$B!W(B
$B!!!!(B button.
$B!!-#(B Select the applicant
$B!!!!(B from the above table
$B!!!!(B(Individual Select).
$B!!-$(B Please click$B!V(BDetails$B!W(B
$B!!!!(B button. |
![sporcsperson-shonin1](images/spokesperson/sporcsperson-shonin1.gif) |
2. |
$B!!(BTo approve the selected
$B!!(Bapplicant click$B!V(BApprove$B!W(B
$B!!(Bbutton. |
![sporksperson-shonin2.](images/spokesperson/sporksperson-shonin2.gif) |