Buying a car & Parking place certificate & Car Tax |
自動車関連 Top |
車を購入する場合、道幅 や駐車場が狭い日本ではあまり大きくない車をお薦めします。
If you plan to drive through Tokyo and its vicinity, I would suggest a car with an automatic
Traffic jam can be so bad, you will appreciate the automatic transmi-ssion, unless you want to exercise
your left leg desperately.
Be aware of narrow Japanese roads. I would not recommend you to buy a big car like old American full
size since you will experience all sorts of difficulties through narrow roads, parking space, etc. Stay
significantly below, say, 200cm wide and 155cm tall car if you want to park your car without running
around to find a parking that will accomodate your car.
中古車を購入するのが新しい車を購入するより安いと仮定しないでください。 中古車購入後の自動車検査時に費
Do not assume that driving a used car is cheaper than driving a new car. There are cases that this
might not apply. Due to the regulation that you should regularly (every one or two years for most cases)
get safety inspection to have the "Motor vehicle inspection certificate" ( called ' sha-ken-show ' ) of your
car validated. Cost for this can be rather high and, at some point, you would rather get rid of your old
car and get a newer one.
The documents which are necessary at the time of the purchase by used car
1 |
実印 "Jitsu-in" Registered seal ※1 |
A seal that is registered at a government office (City hall) is referred to as a jitsu-in.
It is necessary to do "registered seal registration" beforehand at the City hall.
<Information of Jitsu-in by Shinjuku-ku> |
2 |
印鑑証明書 "Inkan-shomei-sho" Inkan (seal) Certificate |
A certificate that municipality prove that a registered seal was surely registered. |
3 |
車庫証明書 "Syako-shoumei-sho" Parking place certificate |
He/She applies to the police station of jurisdiction.
Most stores act for a procedure of the application. |
4 |
委任状 "Inin-jou" Power of Attorney |
Form |
How to fill out it |
中古車の登録に関する手続きを、販売店に委任する際に必要となる書類です 。
It is the documents which are necessary when he/she entrust the store with a
procedure about the registration of the used car. |
5 |
自動車検査証(車検証)"Jidosya-kensa-shou" Motor vehicle inspection certilicate
(Shop) |
After he/she purchases, please confirm whether the column of the user becomes
one's name when it was delivered. |
6 |
自賠責保険証明証 "Jibaiseki-hoken-shomei-sho" ※2
Compulsory automobile liability insurance certificate |
Participation certificate to get when he/she filed for participation until the next car
inspection every car inspection. A name chage is necessary. |
※1 実印とは、住民登録している市区町村の役場に登録したハンコが実印となり、法的な効力を持ちます。
The real seal “Jitsu-in” is registered at your municipal office and is only used for serious contractual
matters things such as the purchase of the car, etc. This is often the largest (about the diameter of
your thumb: 12mm to 18mm) seal.
It is an important Inkan.
※2 自賠責保険の保険期間(保険の契約期間)は, 途中で車を他人に譲渡しても、保険契約上の権利および義務は譲受
Compulsory automobile liability insurance is insurance purchased for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and
other road vehicles.
Its primary use is to provide financial protection against physical damage and/or bodily injury
resulting from traffic
collisions and against liability that could also arise there from the specific terms of vehicle insurance
vary with legal regulations in each region. To a lesser degree vehicle insurance may additionally
offer financial protection against theft of the vehicle and possibly damage to the vehicle, sustained
from things other than traffic collisions.
The right in the insurance contract and the duty do not move to a concessioner even if they hand
over a car to another person on the way during the insurance period of the compulsory automobile
liability insurance.
When you transfer a car, please change the contractor by all means. Necessary documents are
"Jibaiseki-hoken-shonin-seikyu-sho"(Insurance company has it) and contract of car.
車庫証明 Parking place certificate
He/She receives the parking place certificate at a police station of the jurisdiction(70yen) or download
it from the web site.
自動車保管場所証明申請について(ダウンロード出来ます) (茨城県警webサイト)
How to get a parking certificate (Kanagawa Pref.Police web site)
必要な書類 Necessary documents
Application form for the Automobile Parking Space Certification(Standers size car)(pdf)
(2枚綴り print on 2 forms)
2.所在図・配地図 Drawings of location/layout drawing(pdf)
3.保管場所使用承諾証明書 Document explaining the right of use for a parking space
(You must submit only one of the following documents.) (pdf)
4. 在留カード、特別永住者証明書のいずれかが必要
Residence Card or Special permanent resident certificate.
5. 印鑑、車検証 Inkan (Seal) and Automobile inspection certificate
<車庫証明関係書類の記入説明 (pdf) How to fill out the forms (pdf)/(web site)>
Buying a car requires quite a bit of paperwork.
(a) 'Shako-sho-mei' certificate: You have to get a certificate that you do have a parking space for the
car from a local police station. This involves an affidavit from the owner of the parking space
(unless you own the space), map to find the parking space so that a police officer can go and
check if you do have the parking space. It will take approximately
a week to get the certificate.
How to fill out the shako-sho-mei (PDF)
(b) Paperwork at the local land transport office, 'rick-uhn-kyock', for the transaction of the ownership.
When you buy a car, either used or new, from an automobile dealer, they would do almost all the
paperwork for you.
However, if you would like to do all the paperwork yourself, which you have to do yourself in any
case if you buy a car through a private deal, expect that you would be spending a lot of time
running around to get all sorts of certificates, etc.
Do not expect that the office people for all these deal can understand you unless you speak
well (which may not be even sufficient).
車庫証明申請から交付までの流れ Flows from application to get a parking certificate.
1. 上記の書類を持って、管轄の警察署に行きます。
(受付は 月曜日ー金曜日、 8:30am-17:15)
KEK地区はつくば北警察署です。(住所: 北条5262-3、Tel: 029-867-1191)
Go to the police station of the jurisdiction (Mon - Fri, 8:30am-17:15)
KEK district is Tsukuba North police station.
(Address: 5262-3 Hojyo Tsukuba, Tel: 029-867-1191) |
<保管場所標章> |
2. 車庫証明申請用(2100円)と保管場所標章用(500円)の証紙*1を購入します。
Purchase certificate stamps for Parking certificate(2100yen) and Parking place sticker(500yen)*1.
3. 自動車保管場所証明申請書(2枚綴り)に購入した証紙を貼ります。
Complete certificate stamps on the Application form for the Automobile Parking Space Certification,
4. 車庫証明の窓口に書類を提出、その時に受取日が記入してある紙をもらいます。
提出から受取まで3日~1週間程度。車庫証明は 提出したその日には取得できません。
Submit documents to the reception counter and get the paper which a receiving day is sometimes
filled in with. It takes about more than 3 days.
5. 車庫証明を受け取りに行く。その時に印鑑と保管場所標章用の証紙(500円)*1を持参して下さい。
Go to the police station to receive it. At the time, please bring a Inkan and a certificate stamp of
500 yen*1for Parking place sticker.
自動車税を申告する Report of the Car acquisition tax
申告する場所 Location: 土浦自動車検査登録事務所内の自動車税事務所の税申告窓口
Car Tax Office in the Tsuchiura Jidosha-kensa-touroku Jimusho
1. 自動車税、自動車取得税申告書を提出する Submit a report of Automobile tax・car income tax.
2. 自動車取得税を支払います。 Pay the Tax.
① ナンバー付きの自動車を取得された場合
② ナンバーが付いていない自動車を取得した場合
An automobile tax is levied on a new owner from year, the following day.
A car with less than 500,000 yen of acquisition price does not cost the tax. So, The used car which
you purchased 600,000yen, but they calculate at the price in the new car.
For example, The price when it was new car is 1,500,000 yen which it passed for five years:
150,000,000×0.9×0.146=197,100(acquisition price) → No Tax.
(Reason is under 500,000 yen or less)