KEK Caravan, "Let's take a look at radiation" (October 23, 2019)

(English translation 2024-05-23)

On the afternoon of October 23, 2019, Dr. Masumoto, a researcher at the Radiation Science Center, gave the workshop titled "Let's Look at Radiation" to about 50 high school and junior high school students at Kyoto Municipal Tonan High School.
The workshop consisted of a lecture and an experimental part. In the lecture, he introduced the radiation effect on the human body, various applications of radiation, and research about radiation imaging. In the experiment, all attendees made the cloud chamber to visualize the radiation tracks, and they observed the radiation originated from the natural radiation sources. Attendees shared the observation result (video recording) by using tablet PCs with each other.
Two-thirds of attendees indicated that the contents were interesting, and one-third indicated they were easy to understand. All of them did not know KEK.
Although the students had little knowledge of radiation, they seemed to understand it to some extent and were interested in it throughout the workshop.
The high school physics teachers of Kyoto City also participated in the workshop as part of Joint Classroom Practice.