Mechanical Engineering Center
“Parasitoid wasp venoms degrade Drosophila imaginal discs for successful parasitism” has been published in Science Advances
A collaboration work with Assistant professor Kamiyama and professor Niwa’s group at University of Tsukuba a paper “Parasitoid wasp venoms degrade Drosophila imaginal discs for successful parasitism” has been published in Science Advances.
KEK had a booth at “Tsukuba Science Festival 2024”
KEK had a booth at Tsukuba Science Festival 2024 held at Tsukuba Capio on Nov. 9 and introduced our research activities through various programs.
Successful development of a small robot capable of observing the inside of the accelerator tunnel during operation
To enable safe and efficient operation of the synchrotron radiation facility, we have developed a small, remotely operated robot capable of observing the inside of the accelerator tunnel during operation.
Beginner training program for technical staff was held at the Mechanical Engineering Center
KEK has been conducting beginner training program for technical staff since the early April, and giving them an opportunity to experience wide range of technologies in various departments of KEK and to attend lectures on accelerators for about three months.
KEK exhibited at “Niconico Chokaigi 2024”
KEK exhibited at annual festival “Niconico Chokaigi 2024” held at Makuhari Messe on April 27-28, and introduced our research activities by live broadcasts, hands-on corners, and various projects.
Mechanical Engineering Center’s Masterpiece: 3D model of “Belle II detector”
KEK Spring Campus Open House was held on April 20 during “Science and Technology Week 2024.”
Prior to “the Science and Technology week” that started on Apr. 15, 2024, “SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PRE EVENT 2024” was held at Tsukuba Center on Apr. 14, 2024, organized by Tsukuba Machinaka Design inc.
FY2023 Applied Research Laboratory Technical Exchange Meeting was held
The FY2023 Applied Research Laboratory Technical Exchange Meeting was held on January 18, 2024.
First successful production of seamless acceleration cavity base in the world
Prof. Masashi Yamanaka (Mechanical Engineering Center) has succeeded in manufacturing a one-piece seamless acceleration cavity base from a single copper pipe by hydroforming technology, in collaboration with Neuron Japan Co., Ltd.
Mr. Naoya Kamei received the 20th annual meeting award of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan
Associate Engineer of Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, Naoya Kamei, received the 20th annual meeting award of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan for his development for natural water circulation system to cool a beam target utilizing the heat by the beam loss.