Mechanical Engineering Center
The FY2020 Applied Research Laboratory Technology Exchange Meeting was held.
The FY2020 Applied Research Laboratory Technology Exchange Meeting was held remotely via Zoom on February 17, 2021.
Inter-University Research Institute Corporation Symposium 2020
October 17 and 18, 2020, “Inter-University Research Institute Corporation (I-URIC) Symposium 2020” was held online due to the COVID-19.
Created face shields at Mechanical Engineering Center, and donated them to Tsukuba City
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, a face shield is effective in protecting from the spread of droplets during face-to-face contact.
The 2019 Applied Research Laboratory Technology Exchange Meeting was held.
The 2019 Applied Research Laboratory Technology Exchange Meeting was held on February 19, 2020 at the KEK Building 4 Seminar Hall (Tsukuba Campus).
The 20th KEK Mechanical Engineering Workshop
On June 7, 2019, the 20th KEK Mechanical Engineering Workshop was held, hosted by the Mechanical Engineering Center (MEC) of Applied Research Laboratory.
Development of large aperture superconducting dipole magnet for LHC at Cryogenics Science Center
The Cryogenics Science Center is collaborating with CERN to install a beam that will be installed in the beam final convergence section, which will be required for the LHC high-luminosity upgrade project.