Radiation Science Center
Dr. Eisuke Watanabe, Assistant Professor of Radiation Science Center, received Young Scientist Presentation Award (Poster) at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences (2024)
Dr. Eisuke Watanabe, Assistant Professor of Radiation Science Center, received the Best Presentation Award (Poster) for Young Scientists at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences (2024) held at Shizuoka from September 23 to 25.
25th Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity Held
The 25th Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity, hosted by the Radiation Science Center and the Alpha Emitter and Environmental Radioactivity Subcommittee of the Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Science, was held at Kobayashi Hall at KEK from March 11th to 13th, 2024.
The 38th Workshop on "Radiation Detectors and Their Uses" was held
The 38th Workshop on "Radiation Detectors and Their Uses" was held on January 22 and 23, 2024, co-sponsored by the Radiation Science Center and the Japan Society of Applied Physics Ionization Radiation Division.
FY2023 Applied Research Laboratory Technical Exchange Meeting was held
The FY2023 Applied Research Laboratory Technical Exchange Meeting was held on January 18, 2024.
Athena Program visitor at Radiation Science Center
Ms. Adila Hanim binti Aminordin Sabri visits KEK Radiation Science Center for the Athena program from 14th Oct. to 3rd. Nov.
Novel non-destructive quantification technique for the sub-percent carbon in steel by accelerator muons
The research group in which Dr.Go Yoshida (Assistant Professor of Radiation Science Center) participates as a co-experimenter has developed a non-destructive method for quantifying carbon that is contained in steel below one percent, by using muon beams in J-PARC.
The 60th Nuclear Chemistry Summer School was held
The 60th nuclear chemistry summer school was held at Yokotei in Nagatoro, Saitama Prefecture from August 30 to September 1, 2023, organized by Matsumura, Yoshida, Watanabe (KEK), Kikunaga, Yokokita (Tohoku Univ.), and Sakaguchi (Univ. Tsukuba) as the host persons.
Invited Fellow Position researcher visited Radiation Science Center
Dr. Robert Froeschl from HSE-RP at CERN has visited the Radiation Science Center from June 25 to July 7 as Invited Fellow Position researcher.
Mr. Akihiro Toyoda, an expert engineer at the Radiation Science Center, received the 2023 Outstanding Support for Research Award of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
The winners of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for 2023 were announced on April 7, and Mr. Akihiro Toyoda, an expert engineer at the Radiation Science Center of the Applied Research Laboratory, was selected for the Outstanding Support for Research Award.
Internship for Technical Staff was held
The 2nd KEK Research Technical Staff Internship in FY2022 was held.