FY2023 Applied Research Laboratory Technical Exchange Meeting was held
(English translation 2024-06-18)
The FY2023 Applied Research Laboratory Technical Exchange Meeting was held on January 18, 2024.
Technical Exchange Meeting has been held annually for the purpose of introducing the work and technological development of the engineers and for exchange among the centers of ARL. It was the ninth meeting of this series. There were a total of 58 participants, 20 at onsite and 38 via Zoom system.
Okada of Cryogenics Science Center talked about a device he developed that is less expensive than the commercially available high purity gas spectrometer measurement system for helium liquefiers. Iijima of Radiation Science Center talked about the changes of survey meter inspections he has overseen for many years. Sasaguchi of Computing Research Center spoke carefully about what she learned in her first year of employment. Hosumi of Mechanical Engineering Center talked about the fabrication of mirrors to be attached to observation satellites used in the space program to precisely observe cosmic microwave background radiation.
Since each of the centers in ARL performs quite different tasks, these presentations are a good opportunity to understand the work of each center. The presentation slides are posted on the following KDS website, which can be accessed from the KEK and J-PARC LAN.
https://kds.kek.jp/event/49744/ (in Japanese)