Mechanical Engineering Center

ARL introductory video has been released

An introductory video of the Applied Research Laboratory for 3-sided theater has been released on the KEK YouTube channel.

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Internship for Technical Staff Was Held

2022 KEK Research Technical Staff Internship (Work Experience) was held.

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KEK Openhouse 2022 was held on September 3 and 4 (Day 1)

The KEK Openhouse 2022 ( was held on September 3 and 4.

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KEK Openhouse 2022 was held on September 3 and 4 (Day 2)

The KEK Openhouse 2022 ( was held on September 3 and 4.

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Mechanical Engineering Center's Masterpiece: Champion Board for Quiz Battle “WHAT 2022”

We received a request to create a champion board as a supplementary prize for the winner of the quiz competition "High School Quiz Battle WHAT 2022" hosted by QuizKnock, which is sponsored by KEK.

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Mechanical Engineering Center's Masterpiece: Unusual Machining (Electronic Circuit Boards)

At the Mechanical Engineering Center, we mostly process metals (stainless steel, aluminum, copper, etc.) and resin materials.

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Mechanical Engineering Center's Masterpiece: Welding Work (Bent Chamber)

A 90° bent chamber for the SRF Gun was manufactured at the request of the Accelerator Laboratory (Fig. 1).

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Mechanical Engineering Center's Masterpiece: Boiling Test Apparatus

At the request of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, we built a boiling test apparatus ).

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FY2021 Applied Research Laboratory Technical Exchange Meeting was held

The FY2021 Applied Research Laboratory Technical Exchange Meeting was held remotely via Zoom system on March 2, 2022.

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Mechanical Engineering Center's Masterpiece: Square Hole

A feed-through connection part was manufactured at the request of the Accelerator Laboratory (Fig. 1).

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