KEK Openhouse 2022 was held on September 3 and 4 (Day 2)
(English translation 2022-11-28)
The KEK Openhouse 2022 ( was held on September 3 and 4. In accordance with KEK's official catchphrase, "Insight through Accelerators," the theme of this year's Openhouse was "What is Insight through Accelerators?" The online webcast was held on the 3rd. On the 4th, several tours were held at the Tsukuba campus. We will now introduce some of the topics from this openhouse that are relevant to the Applied Research Laboratory.
Of the tours held on the 4th, Courses D, E and F featured the Applied Research Laboratory. Course D: "Radiation Management and Computing/Networking Technologies Supporting Advanced Science," consisted of visits to the Radiation Science Center and the Computing Research Center. Course E: "Superconductivity Technology and Accelerator VR Experience," included a visit to the Cryogenics Science Center. Course F: "New Technologies and Superconductors" included a visit to the Cavity Fabrication Facility (CFF) operated by the Accelerator Group and the Mechanical Engineering Center. Pre-registered visitors attended these courses.
During the visit of the Radiation Science Center in Course D, visitors had the opportunity to shine ultraviolet light on minerals to study their fluorescence and to examine the radiation around us.

In the visit of the Computing Research Center in Course D, the Central Computer System, which supports various KEK activities including the Belle II experiment, was introduced. The supercomputer system, which performs large-scale theoretical simulations, was also introduced. Magnetic tapes are important as high-capacity storage devices. A device in which a robot replaces tape cartridges and various magnetic tapes from the past were exhibited. Suiren2, a liquid-cooled many-core computer, was also introduced.

The Cryogenics Science Center in the Course E introduced superconducting and cryogenic technologies necessary for accelerators. A superconducting coaster based on the Meissner effect was also exhibited as a standard item.

A tour of the Cavity Fabrication Facility in Course F introduced visitors the press machines and large electron beam welding machines required to fabricate superconducting accelerator cavities.

These photos shown here were taken during the tour and posted on Twitter.
Related sites
- KEK Openhouse 2022 (in Japanese)
- KEK Openhouse (online streaming and site tour) (in Japanese)