Between Tsuchiura Station and KEK
To Tsuchiura Station ; Take a Tsuku-bus or a Kanto-tetsudo Bus (Kantetsu Bus) from KEK to Tsukuba
Center. Then you change the bus bound for Tsuchiura Station at there.
Between KEK and Tsukuba Center |
Tsuku-Bus: Tsukuba-city's community bus called Tsuku-bus (Hokubu-Shuttle-Bus route ) stops at the
bus-stop in front of KEK (Koh-eh-nel-ghi ken-cue-kikoh) .
Kantetsu-Bus: Kantetsu buses also depart from Tsukuba Center to KEK (Koh-eh-nel-ghi ken-cue-kikoh),
they are for "Technopark Oho", and for "Shimotsuma Station" (shi-mo-tsu-ma-eh-ki).
<Timetable ><Tsukuba Bus Rout Map ><Tsukuba Bus Terminal Map >

<Tsuku-bus> |

< Kantetsu Bus> |
Between Tsukuba Center and Tsuchiura Station |
1. From Tsukuba Center:
Take a bus bound for Tsuchiura Station at Tsukuba Center, bus stop number is # 5.
2. From Tsuchiura Statuon:
Take a Kantetsu bus (Bus route number are #10, #11, #11A, #11B and #18) at Tsuchiura
Statuion West Exit, bus stop number #3.
<Timetable > <Tsukuba Bus Rout Map >