Between Tsukuba Center and KEK
Take a Bus
Two kinds of buses operate between Tsukuba Center and KEK (Koh-eh-nel-ghi ken-cue-kikoh).
Tsukuba-city's community bus called Tsuku-Bus (Hokubu-Shuttle-Bus route)
stops at the bus stop in front of KEK (Koh-eh-nel-ghi ken-cue-kikoh).
The fare is 300 yen. |
Kantetsu buses also depart from Tsukuba Center to KEK (Koh-eh-nel-ghi
ken-cue-kikoh), they are for "Technopark Oho", and for "Shimotsuma
Station" (shi-mo-tsu-ma-eh-ki).
The fare is 490 yen. |
Take a Taxi
When you take a Taxi from/to Tsukuba Center , fare will be about 4,000 yen, about 20 minutes.
Taxi Go app:https://go.goinc.jp/lp/inbound