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Buying a car & Parking place certificate & Car Tax

 Automobile Related Top ya
 Standard-size car

  1. The necessary documents for a standard-size car
  2. Parking place certificate
  3. Report of the Car acquisition tax

 1. The necessary documents

1  "Jitsu-in" *1
 Registered seal
 A seal that is registered at a government office (City hall) is referred  to as a jitsu-in. It is necessary to do "registered seal registration"
 beforehand at the City hall.<Regarding Jitsu-in

 Inkan (seal) Certificate

 A certificate that municipality prove that a registered seal was surely
3  "Syako-shoumei-sho"  
 Parking place certificate
 He/She applies to the police station of jurisdiction.
 Most stores act for a procedure of the application.  

 Power of Attorney

 It is the documents which are necessary when
 he/she entrust the store with a procedure
 about the registration of the used car.
 them from 

 Power of Attorney

 ・How to fill out it

 Motor vehicle inspection 

 After he/she purchases, please confirm
 whether the column of the user becomes
 one's name when it was delivered. 

6  "Jibaiseki-hoken-shomei-
 Compulsory automobile 
 liability insurance
 Participation certificate to get when he/she
 filed for participation until the next car
 inspectionevery carinspection.
 A name chage is necessary.

  *1 The real seal “Jitsu-in” is registered at your municipal office and is only used for serious contractual
   matters things such as the purchase of the car, etc. This is often the largest (about the diameter of
   your thumb: 12mm to 18mm) seal.
   It is an important Inkan.

  *2 Compulsory automobile liability insurance  is insurance purchased for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and
   other road vehicles. 
   Its primary use is to provide financial protection against physical damage and/or bodily injury
   resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise there from the specific
   terms of vehicle insurance vary with legal regulations in each region. To a lesser degree vehicle
   insurance may additionally offer financial protection against theft of the vehicle and possibly
   damage to the vehicle, sustained from things other than traffic collisions.

   The right in the insurance contract and the duty do not move to a concessioner even if they hand
   over a car to another person on the way during the insurance period of the compulsory automobile
   liability insurance.
   When you transfer a car, please change the contractor by all means. Necessary documents are
   "Jibaiseki-hoken-shonin-seikyu-sho"(Insurance company has it) and contract of car.

 2. Parking place certificate

  He/She receives the parking place certificate at a police station of the jurisdiction(70yen) or download
  it from the web site.

   How to get a parking certificate ya(Kanagawa Pref.Police web site)

 1 Necessary documents

  1.Application form for the Automobile Parking Space Certification (print on 2 forms)
  2.Drawings of location/layout drawing
  3.Document explaining the right of use for a parking space  
    (You must submit only one of the following documents.)  

  4. Residence Card or Special permanent resident certificate. 
  5. Inkan (Seal) and Automobile inspection certificate

  < How to fill out the forms (pdf)/(websiteya)>

  Buying a car requires quite a bit of paperwork.

 (a) 'Sha-ko-sho-mei' yacertificate: You have to get a certificate that you do have a parking space for the
 car from a local police station. This involves an affidavit from the owner of the parking space (unless you
 own the space), map to find the parking space so that a police officer can go and check if you do have
 the parking space. It will take approximately a week to get the certificate.

 (b) Paperwork at the local land transport office, 'rick-uhn-kyock', for the transaction of the ownership.
 When you buy a car, either used or new, from an automobile dealer, they would do almost all the
 paperwork for you. However, if you would like to do all the paperwork yourself, which you have to do
 yourself in any case if you buy a car through a private deal, expect that you would be spending a lot of
 time running around to get all sorts of certificates, including a certificate of your residency, affidavit of
 your signature to be the real one from an embassy of your country. The latter can be substituted by
 your 'han-ko' (a personal stamp) certified by the local authority. You must get the 'han-ko' made for you
 since a mass produced 'han-ko, can not be used for it.

 Do not expect that the office people for all these deal can understand you unless you speak Japanese
 well (which may not be even sufficient).

 2 Flows from application to get a parking certificate


1. Go to the police station of the jurisdiction. (Mon - Fri, 8:30am-17:15)
 KEK district is Tsukuba North police station.(Address: 5262-3 Hojyo
 Tsukuba, Tel: 029-867-1191)

2. Purchase certificate stamps for Parking certificate (2100 yen) and Parking
 place sticker(*3)(500 yen).

<Parking place sticker>
3. Complete certificate stamps on the Application form for the Automobile Parking Space Certification,

4. Submit documents to the reception counter and get the paper which a receiving day is sometimes
  filled in with. 

5. Go to the police station to receive it. At the time, please bring a Inkan and a certificate stamp of 500
 yen (*3)for Parking place sticker. Stick on it on the rear window. It's a duty.

 3. Report of the Car acquisition tax

  When you bought a used car, you must pay an Autmobile acquistion tax. However, it is up to an
  acquistion cost.
Location: Car Tax Office in the Tsuchiura Jidosha-kensa-touroku Jimusho

  1. Submit a report of Automobile tax・car income tax.
  2. Pay the Tax.

 An automobile tax is levied on a new owner from year, the following day.

 Standard-size car
A car with less than 500,000 yen of acquistion cost does not cost the tax. So,The used car which
   you purchased 600,000yen, but they calculate at the price in the new car.

   For example, The price when it was new car is 3,000,000 yen which it passed for three years:
     3,000,000×0.316=948,000円(acquistion cost
     948,000yen×3%=28,440円(Automobile acquisition tax) 

passed years 1year 1.5year 2year 2.5year 3year 3.5year 4year 4.5year 5year 5.5year 6year
 Ratio of
0.681 0.561 0.464 0.382 0.316 0.261 0.215 0.177 0.146 0.121 0.100
 updated: 2019-12-03