The 22thWorkshop on Environmental Radioactivity was held
(English translation 2024-05-22)
The 22th Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity was held from March 10th to 12th, 2021, sponsored by the Radiation Science Center and the Alpha Emitter and Environmental Radioactivity Subcommittee of the Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences. Programs and other information are posted on the following website.
Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity (in Japanese)
This workshop has been held annually since 2000 at KEK, with the basic themes of "Natural Environmental Radioactivity" and "Environmental Radioactivity of Radiation and Nuclear Facilities". Since the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in 2011, the workshop has become an annual gathering of more than 150 participants, including researchers, engineers, graduate students, undergraduate students, employees of local government laboratories, and general public involved in research and study activities related to the accident.
The 21st workshop scheduled for March 2020 was cancelled due to the spread of the new coronavirus, but this time it was held as an online meeting using the Zoom system and attended by more than 230 participants, the largest number to date. A total of 45 general oral presentations and 3 commissioned lectures were given, and meaningful information was exchanged and lively discussions were held.
However, there are many who would like to see the traditional face-to-face interaction and discussion, and it is hoped that the next meeting in March 2022 will be held in a situation where participants can gather at KEK.