SINET, which connects KEK to external networks, upgraded to SINET6
(English translation 2022-09-29)
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), both the Tsukuba Campus and J-PARC (Tokai), has been connecting to SINET for the external network connections, including the Internet access. SINET, Science Information Network ( ), is a Japanese academic backbone network service provided by National Institute of Informatics (NII) and is indispensable as an essential infrastructure for the data analysis in the international collaboration projects in KEK. In April 2022, SINET was upgraded from SINET5 to SINET6. It newly opened Mito DC (Data Center, a connection point to SINET) in addition to Tsukuba DC in Ibaraki Prefecture. Mito DC makes the connection from J-PARC more efficient. The network bandwidth between Tsukuba Campus and SINET is going up to 130 Gbps, and one between J-PARC and SINET is to 30Gbps. In conjunction with this, the bandwidth between two sites will be increased from 10 Gbps to 20 Gbps. These network capacities will be sufficient for transferring experimental data in the new experiments, such as COMET experiments , near future planned in J-PARC.
In addition, SINET6 is scheduled to enhance the international network connections to Europe, which will enable more high-speed and stable transfer of High Energy Experimet data We would like to take this opportunity to thank the National Institute of Informatics.