Geant4 Japan Group Received Suwa Award from Foundation for High Energy Accelerator Scienc
(English translation 2022-09-30)
Geant4 Japan Group has received Suwa Award of the Foundation for High Energy Accelerator Science for its research project entitled "Simulation Program for Reaction between Matter and Radiation: International Development and Operation of Geant4". Geant4 is a software program simulating interaction between elementary particles and matter. It is widely used not only for high-energy and nuclear experiments, but also for radiation simulations in the fields of medical and space sciences. Geant4 has been developed through an international collaboration, in which Professor Takashi Sasaki, Associate Professor Koichi Murakami, Assistant Professor Shogo Okada, and Researcher Katsuya Amako participate from Computing Research Center, KEK. This award recognizes the contribution of the Japan Group from the early stage of Geant4 development as well as its subsequent activities to establish an international framework for dissemination and maintenance. The award also recognizes the achievements in expanding the application of Geant4 not only to high-energy experiments but also to medical applications such as radiotherapy.
Suwa Prize is one of the four awards (Nishikawa Prize, Koshiba Prize, Suwa Prize, and Kumagai Prize) established by the Foundation for High Energy Accelerator Science in 1989 to dedicate to the memory of Shigeki Suwa, and is awarded "to recognize individuals or groups as having made particularly remarkable achievements including long-term support/contribution for the development of accelerator science.” The award ceremony was held at Arcadia Ichigaya on May 30, 2022, and four members including Professor Sasaki and Associate Professor Murakami attended to receive the award on behalf of the Geant4 Japan Group. “On behalf of the Geant4 Japan Group, I am very pleased to receive such a prestigious award. I hope to continue to contribute to the development of radiation simulation technology through the research and development of Geant4 (Murakami)."

Reference sites
- Foundation for High Energy Accelerator Science
- Geant4
- Geant4