Mr. Akihiro Toyoda, an expert engineer at the Radiation Science Center, received the 2023 Outstanding Support for Research Award of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(English translation 2024-11-13)
The winners of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for 2023 were announced on April 7, and Mr. Akihiro Toyoda, an expert engineer at the Radiation Science Center of the Applied Research Laboratory, was selected for the Outstanding Support for Research Award. The award ceremony was held on April 19 at the MEXT with only the representatives of each awardee. Afterwards, the award certificates and medals were delivered to KEK and handed over by the Director General on May 19.
The award is for “Contribution to accelerator experiments through the development and operation of a radioactive material management system". Mr. Toyoda has developed a management system that enables rapid on-site registration and management of a large amount of radioactive materials. Radioactive materials are generated during the operation of a high-energy accelerator. Since the KEK accelerator has extremely high energy and a large amount of radioactive materials are generated one after another, they must be managed safely. So, it was necessary to construct a unique management system for radioactive material based on specialized knowledge and technology.
Mr. Toyoda adopted a method of evaluating nuclides and radioactivity roughly which is required for registration on the safe side, based on the results of dose rate measurement using a survey meter, main materials, and weight, and built this unique system while adding ideas such as a handy terminal with bar code, and a photo registration function of actual materials and so on. Since the start of compliance with the law on radioactive materials, he has achieved efficient management of radioactive materials and has contributed greatly to the promotion of joint use of the large accelerator at KEK over the past eight years.
In response to the award, Mr. Toyoda said, “This award is a great honor for us. Dr. Masumoto, who was the head of the Radiation Protection Office when the design started, the staff of the Radiation Science Center, contractors, and the staff of laboratories and facilities that actually store radioactive materials on site have worked together to develop the support technology that was the subject of this award. I believe that this award is the result of the cooperation of many people who have helped to make this technology possible".

- Two people from KEK were selected for the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. (in Japanese)
- Recipients of the FY2023 the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Announced (in Japanese)