Joint Symposium on Nuclear Data and PHITS in 2023 was held.

Joint Symposium on Nuclear Data and PHITS in 2023 was held from Nov. 15, 2023, to Nov. 17, 2023. The host is Nuclear Data Division, AESJ. The co-hosts are High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Division of Radiation Science and Engineering, AESJ, North-Kanto branch, AESJ, Investigation Committee on Nuclear Data, AESJ, and JAEA Nuclear Science and Engineering Center.

Symposium on Nuclear Data is held to discuss and identify research directions and priority issues related to nuclear data with bringing users, nuclear data developers, measurers, and theoretical researchers together.
This year, in addition to Symposium on Nuclear Data, Symposium on PHITS was jointly held to bring together PHITS developers and users for better understanding of recent developments and applications of PHITS. Symposium on PHITS is also a good opportunity to discuss the development of PHITS with the needs of users, and to identify new research topics using the latest capabilities.
For researchers in both nuclear data and PHITS, this symposium helped to understand the close connection between the two fields.

This year, 108 people participated, with researchers and students from various areas ranging from Hokkaido University in the north to Kyushu University in the west. Along with oral presentations (26) and poster presentations (25), there were lively discussions on the basic aspects of nuclear data development and application, as well as on the functions related to using the nuclear data in PHITS and development status of PHITS.

Website (in Japanese)