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 J-PARC Users Office

             Year2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012
 Fiscal year 2019
 2020. 3. 2  265  Water Supply will be cut off on Tsukuba Campus. (Mar.7)
 2020. 2. 19  264  Updating KEK Radiation Worker Registration for Visitors.
 2020. 2. 19  263  Annual Renewals of registration for fiscal 2020.
 2020. 2. 13  262  Dormitory and Apartment charge will be repriced.
 2020. 1. 28  261  Regarding Coronavirus situation in Japan(PDF)
 2020. 1. 27  260  User Support System will be shut off due to make a transition to the new system.
 2020. 1. 9  259  User Support System will be shut off.(1/18-1/20)
 2020. 1. 7  258  Regarding an air conditioner overhaul work.
 2019.12. 25  257  Inspection of disaster prevention equipment.
 2019.12. 23  256  Year-end/New Year schedule.
 2019.12. 17  255  KEK Wireless LAN Network will be shut off (Jan/7/2020).
 2019.12. 12  254  KEK-Spot and KEK Guestnet will be shut off.
 2019.12. 11  253  Precaution for the information security incident during New Year Holidays.
 2019.11. 27  252  Regarding deletion of Wireless LAN registered in 2018.
 2019.11. 19  251  Joyo Bank ATM service terminates.
 2019.11. 15  250  The traffic restrictions due to Tsukuba Marathon.
 2019. 9. 5  249  User Support System will be shut off.(9/14-9/17)
 2019. 8. 28  248  Regarding an air conditioner overhaul work.
 2019. 8. 22  247  User Support System will be shut off.
 2019. 8. 2  246  Schedule for KEK facilities during KEK Summer Holiday.
 2019. 7. 9  245  User Support System will be shut off.
 2019. 7. 5  244  The specific end of support day for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008/2008 R2.
 2019. 7. 2  243  Electric Power and Water Supply Cut Off (Aug. 2 - Aug. 4).
 2019. 7. 1  242  Business Hours of the convenience store from July .
 2019. 7. 1  241  KEK summer party (Shokibarai 2019).
 2019. 7. 1  240  Routine check on the disaster prevention equipment.
 2019. 7. 1  239  KEK Summer holidays.
 2019. 6.14  238  User Support System will be shut off.
 2019. 5.22  237  Regarding #2 User's Meeting.
 2019. 5.08  236  User Support System will be shut off.
 2019. 5.07  235  Changing the classification of wireless LAN application.
 2019. 4.17  234  User Support System will be shut off (Apr. 22)
 2019. 4.03  233  Regarding plumbing work in the rest room of KEK dormitory Bldg.1 1st floor.
 updated: 2020-03-02     shita

                             1-1 Oho Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan. e-mail: visitorssupport@kek.jp
                             HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, KEK Users Office