Exhibiting at SAT Technology Showcase 2022

(English translation 2022-10-27)

SAT Technology Showcase 2022, organized by Science Academy of Tsukuba, was held on January 27, 2022. This event is held every year under the title of "Knowledge Inspiration through Interdisciplinary Exchange in Tsukuba - Flea Market of the Latest Research and Technology". This year, the event was originally scheduled to be held at the Epochal Tsukuba International Congress Center, but due to the expansion of covid-19, it was held entirely online. The special symposium and lectures were streamed live on YouTube. Archived videos and posters of the general presentations are available at the homepage [1].

A presentation from the Applied Research Laboratory at KEK, entitled "Development of NMR Probe for High Precision Measurement of Absolute Magnetic Field", was given by Assistant Professor Naoyuki Sumi (Cryogenics Section, J-PARC) [2]. This is the development of an NMR probe that can measure with an absolute accuracy of 15 ppb using pure water. Since this technology is expected to have a ripple effect on other fields, it was selected as a "Notable Poster from Tsukuba".

[1] SAT Technology Showcase 2022 (in Japanese)

[2] Development of NMR Probe for High Precision Measurement of Absolute Magnetic Field (in Japanese)