Dr. Eunji LEE, Assistant Professor of Radiation Science Center, Receives 2022 Symposium on Nuclear Data Poster Presentation Award
(English translation 2023-01-17)
On November 18, 2022, Dr. Eunji LEE, Assistant Professor of Radiation Science Center, received the Poster Presentation Award at the 2022 Symposium on Nuclear Data. The presentation title of the award was "Cross comparison on neutron spectra with Liquid scintillator and Bonner Sphere Spectrometry."
In this study, experimental measurement was performed on the energy spectra of neutrons which pass through the shield of concrete and steel when 24 GeV protons irradiated a copper target at the CHARM facility of CERN in order to investigate neutron behavior after penetrating the shield. In this study, the comparison was conducted using data obtained by different measurement methods under identical shielding conditions.