Geant4 Beginner's Workshop Held
(English translation 2023-03-23)
A Geant4 beginner's tutorial course was held at Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University, from December 14 to 16, 2022. The tutorial is held regularly by the Geant4 Japan Group for high-energy and nuclear physics experiments and space applications. The tutorial in person had been postponed for a while due to Covid-19; it was the first time in three years. The workshop is co-hosted with the cooperation of universities and research institutes. For this tutorial, the following institutions cooperated in providing the venue and organizing the meeting: Research Center for Advanced Particle Physics, Kyushu University; High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Inter-Institution Network for Accelerator Science; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Core-to-Core Program "International Center of Excellence for Muon Particle Physics." Forty-three graduate students and industrial researchers from high-energy and nuclear physics experiments and space-related fields attended the course. Four members of the Geant4 Japan group from KEK Computing Research Center contributed as lecturers.
Geant4 is a detector simulation software used in most high-energy and nuclear physics experiments. Information about Geant4 is available in various forms, including user manuals and forums, etc. The Geant4 software system is complex and extensive, making it difficult for novice users to understand the entire software. In addition, most of the information is provided in English, which is a high learning hurdle for young novice users in Japan. The Japan Group provides lecture materials in Japanese. These lectures contain the essence of the Geant4 tutorial materials in the world. They systematically explain the basic of Geant4, making it easier for beginners to understand the software. This initiative by the Geant4 Japan Group is significant as it facilitates the software's learning and use of Geant4. Even from a global perspective, only Japanese versions of lecture materials can realize such substantial content.

- Geant4 beginner’s workshop 2022 (in Japanese)
- Geant4 training materials
- Geant4