
Geant4 Beginner's Workshop Held

A Geant4 beginner's tutorial course was held at Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University, from December 14 to 16, 2022.

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Students Visit and Practice as Part of the Project for World-Leading Human Resource Development in Science and Technology

On Dec. 27th, 2022, 16 students from four high schools in Saitama Prefecture visited KEK for practical training as part of the project for world-leading human resource development in science and technology.

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Mechanical Engineering Center’s Masterpiece: 3D model of a protein related to H. pylori

The Mechanical Engineering Center is equipped with two types of 3D printers: one is an inkjet printer type that can create high-precision models.

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“Manual of Measurement and Evaluation of Activation for Decommissioning of Accelerator Facilities” has been revised.

A revised version of "Manual of Measurement and Evaluation of Activation for Decommissioning of Accelerator Facilities" (KEK Report 2022-5) has been published by the Radiochemistry Group of the Radiation Science Center.

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ARL introductory video has been released

An introductory video of the Applied Research Laboratory for 3-sided theater has been released on the KEK YouTube channel.

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Internship for Technical Staff Was Held

2022 KEK Research Technical Staff Internship (Work Experience) was held.

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Dr. Go Yoshida, Assistant Professor of Radiation Science Center received 2021 Technology Award from the Japanese Society of Radiation Safety Management

Dr. Go Yoshida, Assistant Professor of Radiation Science Center, Japan, published a paper entitled "Survey Methodology for the Activation of Beamline Components in an Electrostatic Proton Accelerator” in Radiation Safety Management 20, pp.1-8 as the first author.

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Dr. Eunji LEE, Assistant Professor of Radiation Science Center, Receives 2022 Symposium on Nuclear Data Poster Presentation Award

On November 18, 2022, Dr. Eunji LEE, Assistant Professor of Radiation Science Center, received the Poster Presentation Award at the 2022 Symposium on Nuclear Data.

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Mr. Masaki Ishida, Associate Engineer of Radiation Science Center, received the Annual Meeting Award (Poster Presentation) at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan

Mr. Masaki Ishida, Associate Engineer of Radiation Science Center, received the Annual Meeting Award (Poster Presentation) at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan held online from October 18 to 21.

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KEK Openhouse 2022 was held on September 3 and 4 (Day 1)

The KEK Openhouse 2022 (https://www2.kek.jp/openhouse/2022/) was held on September 3 and 4.

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