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" Muon Spin Relaxation Studies of Magnetic-Field-Induced Effects in High-Tc Superconductors " A.T. Savici, A. Fukaya, I.M. Gat-Malureanu, T. Ito, P.L. Russo, Y.J. Uemura, C.R. Wiebe, P.P. Kyriakou, G.J. MacDougall, M.T. Rovers, G.M. Luke, K.M. Kojima, M. Goto, S. Uchida, R. Kadono, K. Yamada, S. Tajima, T. Masui, H. Eisaki, N. Kaneko, M. Greven, and G.D. Gu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 157001(1-4).
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