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UO Bulletin Board - Fiscal year 2019
Back Number Y2012-2014
Year 2019
2020. 3. 9.
Message for KEK non-Japanese users.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 3. 2.
Water Supply will be cut off on Tsukuba Campus.(Mar.7)
2020. 2. 19.
Updating KEK Radiation Worker Registration for Visitors.
2020. 2. 19.
Annual Renewals of registration for fiscal 2020.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 2. 18.
Application for vehicle permit of Tsukuba Campus for visitors , FY2020.
2020. 2. 13.
Dormitory and Apartment charge will be repriced.
2020. 2. 3.
CNN is sending latest world news about the new coronavirus.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 30.
Narita Airport Notifications- Coronavirus Pandemic Alert.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 30.
Regarding the new coronavirus #3.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 29.
New Year's Address from Director General.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 28.
Regarding the new coronavirus #2.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 28.
Simple inspection on industrial air-conditioner on Tsukuba Campus
2020. 1. 28.
Prevention of infectious diseases #1.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 27.
Regarding the new coronavirus.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 27.
User Support System will be shut off on Feb. 1st.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 16.
The end of support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008/2008 R2.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 15.
KEK Convenience store closing time has changed
2020. 1. 9.
Traffic rules on Tsukuba Campus
2020. 1. 9.
User Support System will be shut off.(1/18-1/20)
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2020. 1. 7.
Regarding an air conditioner overhaul work.
2019.12. 16.
Shower rooms in Narita Airport and Haneda.
2019.12. 5.
Parking restriction.
2019.11. 27.
Regarding deletion of Wireless LAN registered in 2018.
2019.11. 22.
KEK Arts Festival 2019 in Dec.
2019.11. 19.
Joyo Bank ATM service terminates.
2019.11. 15.
The traffic restrictions due to Tsukuba Marathon on Nov.24.
2019.10. 23.
Electric Power Supply Cut Off on October 25,26,27
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019.10. 21.
Scattering attack e-mails from an attacker disguised as actual people
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019.10. 15.
on October 22 is Holiday
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019.10. 11.
Weather alert 'typhoon'
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019.10. 03.
JAEA foundation day on Oct.4
2019.10. 02.
A violent incident on Tsukuba Campus.
2019.10. 02.
The Gate to the Noh World program will be held at Tsukuba.
2019. 9. 05.
User Support System will be shut off.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 8. 28.
Regarding an air conditioner overhaul work.
2019. 8. 22.
User Support System will be shut off.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 8. 16.
Tsukuba Festival 'Matsuri Tsukuba'.
2019. 8. 5.
Schedule for KEK facilities during KEK Summer Holiday.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 7. 30.
Please be aware of heat stroke..
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 7. 30.
The report of Users’ Meeting
2019. 7. 12.
International ATM service
2019. 7. 9.
User Support System will be shut off.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 7. 5
The specific end of support day for Windows 7 and Windows Server
2008/2008 R2
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 7. 2
Electric Power and Water Supply Cut Off (Aug. 2 - Aug. 4)
2019. 7. 1
Business Hours of the convenience store from July
2019. 7. 1
KEK summer party (Shokibarai 2019)
2019. 7. 1
Routine check on the disaster prevention equipment.
2019. 7. 1
KEK Summer holidays.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 6.17
The Highwaybus bound for Osaka.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 6.14
User Support System will be shut off.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 6.14
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 6.11
Cleaning of the KEK pool for opening KEK swimming pool
2019. 6. 3
Narira-Airport Highway Bus will be delayed
2019. 5.27
KEK summer party 'Shokibarai 2019'
2019. 5.24
New Timetable of Narita Airport & How to get the ticket.
2019. 5.22
Regarding #2 User's Meeting.
2019. 5.09
User Support System will be shut off.
[Tsukuba / Tokai]
2019. 5.09
Changing the classification of wireless LAN application.
2019. 5.08
Flight of unmanned aircraft (Drone).
2019. 5.07
Light clothing 'the Cool Biz' for Summer 2019.
2019. 4.25
J-PARC Open House 2019.
2019. 4.25
The new convenience store will be opened .
2019. 4.17
Regarding Natita Airport line ‘NATT’S ’ bus ticket. .
2019. 4.17
User Support System will be shut off.
[Tsukuba /Tokai]
2019. 4.17
The 2019 KEK Summer Holiday.
2019. 4.12
The fire in the accelerating structure assembly room.
2019. 4.04
Regarding plumbing work in the rest room of KEK dormitory Bldg.
2019. 4.01
Japanese govt. chooese 'Reiwa' as new era name.Registration.
2019. 4.01
KEK Cafe (Puraimu) closed Today.
updated: 2020-03-09