#31 European Spallation Source (ESS)の現状と予想される性能( J-PARCと対比して)

  • 日時:5/22(水)13時00分~
  • 場所:J-PARC研究棟2階大会議室 (メイン会場) 4号館1階セミナーホール(TV会議)
  • 講演者:新井 正敏 氏 (European Spallation Source・Technical Coordinator(KEK客員教授))
  • 題名:European Spallation Source (ESS)の現状と予想される性能( J-PARCと対比して)
  • 要旨:
    European Spallation Source (ESS) is under construction since 2014 to be a precedented powerful source of 5MW with a long pulse of 2.86ms. This kind of source is the first challenge in the neutron community and new concept and technology is necessary to build the source. High power proton beam is directly injected from linac to a rotating tungsten wheel target, and the thin moderator creates high brightness. Those are all new technology base on the experiences at preceding spallation sources. In the seminar, I will report the recent development of ESS and give a preliminary estimate on the expected performance of instruments in comparison to ones at J-PARC.