
The Center for Integrative Quantum Beam Science (CIQuS) promotes “Cultivated Joint Usage” program that leads users to the multiple use of different quantum beams (multi-probe research) and supports them in three groups of analysis methods: surface structure, bulk structure, and heterogeneous structure. The CIQuS also promotes “Theme-driven Joint Research” in which staff members of the institute play a central role in setting up collaborative research programs that contribute to innovation, and solving problems through industry-university-government collaboration and international cooperation.

The successful candidate will mainly be dedicated to the “Cultivated Joint Usage” program. He or she is expected to select users’ research programs that can be further developed by using different quantum beams, and to promote multi-probe research of users (including beginners) by consistently supporting the sample preparation, experiment, and data analysis suitable for each probe. Further, he or she is expected to launch and drive a multi-probe research project in the “Theme-driven Joint Research” in collaboration with staff members of the institute as well as domestic and international researchers. He or she is expected to develop experimental technologies, such as common sample environment, required for the multi-probe research.

To carry out these missions, especially “Cultivated Joint Usage,” it is desirable that the successful candidate has a high level of expertise in the multi-probe use in any of the above three groups of analysis methods, as well as high skills and motivation for the consultation of multi-probe studies without being restricted by his/her own field of expertise. It is also desirable that he or she will understand and make full use of various utilization systems at the Photon Factory and J-PARC MLF (Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility), to support beginners on multi-probe research.