種別 | Proposal No. |
Title | Spokesperson | Affiliation | Status |
S1 | 2011MS01 | Precision measurement of muonium hyperfine structure and muon magnetic moment ミュオニウムの超微細相互作用構造およびミュオン磁気モーメントの精密測定 |
Koichiro Shimomura | KEK-IMSS | Approved in 2015, Apr. (2nd stage) |
S1 | 2011MS03 | Search for muon-electron conversion utilizing pulsed proton beam from RCS (Rapid-Cycle Synchrotron) RCSからのパルス陽子ビームを活用したミュオン電子転換過程の探索実験 |
Yoshihiro Seiya Masaharu Aoki |
Osaka Metropolitan University Osaka University |
Approved in 2014, Apr. (2nd stage) Extended in 2019, Apr. (5 years) |
S1 | 2011MS06 | Precision measurements of anomalous muon magnetic moment J-PARCにおけるミュオン異常磁気能率と電気双極子能率の測定実験 |
Tsutomu Mibe | KEK-IPNS | Approved in 2019, Apr. (2nd stage) |
S1 | 2020MS01 | Precision measurement of the Muon mass by 1S-2S laser spectroscopy of muonium ミュオニウムの1S -2S レーザ分光によるミュオ ン質量精密測定 |
Satoshi Uetake | Okayama Univ. | Approved (1st/2nd stage) |
S1 | 2021MS01 | In operando observation of ion dynamics in batteries and development of electrochemistry 量子ビームによる動作状態下でのイオンダイナミクス測定と電気化学への展開 |
Jun Sugiyama | CROSS | Approved (1st stage) |
S2 | 2022MS01 | Realization of imaging of muonic x-rays from Lithium リチウムのミュオン特性 X 線のイメージングの実現 |
Izumi Umegaki | KEK-IMSS | Approved |
S2 | 2022MS02 | Investigation of Hydrogen Behavior in Hydride Superconductivity studied by Muon Spin Rotation and Resonance Technique under Complex Extreme Conditions 複合極限条件下のミュオンスピン回転・共鳴法による水素化物超伝導の水素の挙動解明 |
Akihiro Koda | KEK-IMSS | Approved |
S2 | 2024MS01 | In operando observation of ion dynamics in batteries and development of electrochemistry 量子ビームによる動作状態下でのイオンダイナミクス測定と電気化学への展開 |
Izumi Umegaki | KEK-IMSS | Approved |
S1 | 2024MS02 | 多素子超伝導転移端センサー型マイクロカロリメータによるミュオンX線精密分光実験の新展開 | Shinji Okada | Chubu University | Approved (1st stage) |
S2 | 2024MS03 | Hydrogen state in metal under hydrogen gas or stress, ―elucidation of hydrogen adsorption and embrittlement- 金属中の水素状態と水素雰囲気、応力―水素吸蔵と脆化の解明― |
Wataru Higemoto | JAEA-ASRC | Approved |
♭ 年度後期開始課題
Proposal J-PARC No. |
Title | Spokes person |
Affiliation | Beam line |
2024A0004 | μSR study on the ground state of one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet Birchite Cd2Cu2SO4(PO4)2・5H2O | Masayoshi Fujihara | JAEA | D1 |
2024A0011 | Unravelling the unconventional superconductivity in ZrPd2In | Kavita Yadav | Toyota Technological Institute | S1 |
2024A0013 | μSR study of deformed square-kagome lattice antiferromagnet | Masayoshi Fujihara | JAEA | S1 |
2024A0046 | Unravelling the ground state dynamics of Jeff=1/2 systems in three dimensional Yb-based ternary oxides | Kaustav Mukherjee | Indian Institute of Technology Mandi | S1 |
2024A0049 | Hydrogen embrittlement suppression using Mg32(Al, Zn)49 (T-phase) in Al-Zn-Mg alloys | Katsuhiko Nishimura | University of Toyama | S1 |
2024A0050 | Investigating magnetic ground state of the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet PrTa7O19 | Chengyu Jiang | Fudan University | D1 |
2024A0051 | Molecular motion of epoxy adhesives probed by muon spin relaxation method | Hiroyuki Aoki | JAEA | S1 |
2024A0052 | Spin texture and dynamics in frustrated magnet YBaCo3FeO7 | Ping Miao | CAS | S1 |
2024A0053 | Volume change at the Mott transition of RENiO3 | Shinichi Shamoto | CROSS | S1 |
2024A0075 | Optimization of the spin-exchange rate between polarized Rb/K vapors and muonic helium atoms | Patrick Strasser | KEK-IMSS | D1 |
P型課題 2024A0076 |
High-entropy-alloy (HEA)-type AgInSnPbBiTe5 superconductor | Md. Riad Kasem | Tokyo Metropolitan University | S1 |
2024A0094 | Charge Density Wave in La3T4Sn13 | Takanori Taniguchi | Tohoku University | S1 |
2024A0101 | Development of mu+SR-based oxygen-vacancy detection method for BaTiO3 dielectrics III | Takashi U. Ito | JAEA-ASRC | S1 |
2024A0102 | muSR analysis of nuon/muonium dynamics of peptide bonds | Yoko Sugawara | KEK-IMSS | S1 |
2024A0194 | Strange metallic state in the spin-freezing crossover region of organic hole-doped k-(ET)4Hg2.78Cl8 probed by mu+SR | Dita Puspita Sari | RIKEN | D1 |
2024A0195 | Evolution of magnetism in organic Mott insulator (BEDSe-TTF)2GaCl4 under high-pressure | Wataru Higemoto | JAEA-ASRC | D1 |
2024A0197 | Negative muon spin rotation and relaxation on Na metal | Jun Sugiyama | CROSS | D1 |
2024A0198 | Elucidation of the influence of cosmic ray muons on the generation of organic compounds | Soshi Takeshita | KEK-IMSS | D1 |
2024A0199 | Study of muon diffusion in cold metals aiming at the development of a new slow muon beam generation method | Yugo Nagata | Tokyo University of Science | D2 |
2024A0200 | Evaluation of the SiC semiconductor sensor for the COMET muon beam monitor | Yoshinori Fukao | KEK-IPNS | D2 |
2024A0201 | Characterization of Single Event Upset Cross Sections for 12 nm and 28 nm SRAMs Subjected to High-Energy Muons to Estimate Muon-Induced Soft Error Rates in a Terrestrial Environment | Masanori HASHIMOTO | Kyoto University | D2 |
P型課題 2024A0202 |
Development of a new non-destructive elemental analysis method for trace components by muon-induced gamma-ray measurement | Makoto Inagaki | Kyoto University | D2 |
2024A0203 | Demonstration of efficient low-energy muon generation from solid rare gas with self-focusing geometry | Sohtaro Kanda | KEK-IMSS | D2 |
2024A0204 | Revealing the Mechanism of Hydrogen Spillover in Al-MgO | Hiroko Miwa | The University of Electro-Communications | S1 |
2024A0207 | A new muSR data analysis way by using the machine learning techique | Isao Watanabe | RIKEN | S1 |
2024A0208 | MuSR study on a new superconductor La3Cr10-xN11 | Muyuan Zou | Fudan University | S1 |
2024A0210 | Electron motions in single strand mimic DNA molecules | Isao Watanabe | RIKEN | S1 |
2024A0211 | Spin dynamics in phyrochlore oxides, Nd2Ru2O7 and Pr2Ru2O7 | Isao Watanabe | RIKEN | S1 |
2024A0303 | Investigation of possible quantum spin liquid ground state of the Ir-dimers with fractional valent iridate La3Ir3O11 using Muon spin relaxation | Devashibhai Thakarshibhai Adroja | RAL | S1 |
2024A0304 | MuSR study in derivatives of hemoglobin | Amba Datt Pant | KEK-IMSS | S1 |
2024A0338 | Ferromagnetic cluster-glass state in Sr1-x(La0.5K0.5)xRuO3 studied by muon spin relaxation | Ikuto Kawasaki | JAEA-ASRC | S1 |
2024A0389 | Non-destructive depth selective analysis of trace carbon in sword by muon lifetime method | Kenya Kubo | International Christian University | D1 |
2024A0099* | Muon spin relaxation study of the Shastry−Sutherland lattice antiferromagnet Pr2Ga2BeO7 | Gaoting Lin | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | (D1) |
2024A0100* | Search for the possible existence of spin-orbit interaction from the magnetic octupolar ground state in cubic perovskite AVO3(A=Sr, Ba) | Masanori Miyazaki | Muroran Institute of Technolog | (S1) |
2024A0196* | Emergence of optical activity in achiral amino acids and their precursor molecules by spin-polarized muon beam | Jun-ichi Takahashi | Doshisha University | (D1) |
2024A0206* | Muon spin rotation studies on single-component organic magnet with anisotropic triangular lattice | Hiromi Tanigucho | Saitama University | (S1) |
2024A0209* | muSR study of two types of retinoic acid | Tamiko Kiyotani | Showa Pharmaceutical University | (S1) |
2024A0212* | Study of muonium behavior under enzyme activity condition | Ichiro Tanaka | Ibaraki University | (S1) |
2024A0213* | Zero-field muon spin relaxation studies of fractal nanosystems with proximity-induced superconductivity | Takashi Uchino | Kobe University | (S1) |
2024A0305* | Spin-glass dynamics in the iron-aluminum alloy Fe3Al8 | Hirotaka Okabe | Tohoku University | (S1) |
* 予備採択
Proposal J-PARC No. |
Title | Spokes person |
Affiliation | Beam line |
2024B0001 | Hydrogen binding energies of Al7Cu2Fe alloys and compound | Katsuhiko Nishimura | University of Toyama | S1 |
2024B0033 | μ+SR Observation of orbital magnetization induced by thermal current in Te | Hiroyuki Chudo | JAEA-ASRC | S1 |
2024B0048 | Measurement of muon spin relaxation time in scintillating materials with a beta-YF3 structure | Suguru Shimizu | Osaka University | S1 |
2024B0108 | Test of Lorentz invariance (MuLV Run-2) | Jiro Murata | Rikkyo University | D1 |
2024B0163 | Probing spin-fluctuations in topological magnetic Eu-based pnictides | Michael Smidman | Zhejiang University | S1 |
2024B0179 | Carbon content measurement of a Japanese sword in Edo era to study relation between steel structure observed by neutron and carbon content distribution | Yoshiaki Kiyanagi | Japan Neutron Optics Inc. | D1 |
2024B0200 | muSR analysis of nuon/muonium dynamics of peptide bonds | Yoko Sugawara | KEK-IMSS | S1 |
2024B0201 | Muonium diffusion in ice | Amba Datt Pant | KEK-IMSS | S1 |
P型課題 2024B0215 |
Study of muon decay detection system for high counting rate using current readout | Takuhiro Fujiie | Rikkyo University | H |
2024B0218 | MuSR study of spin and polar fluctuations in layered superconductors Pt(Bi1-xSex)2 | Tadashi Adachi | Sophia University | D1/S1 |
2024B0219 | Search for the KPZ universality class in one-dimensional quantum spin systems by muon spin rotation/relaxation | Ichihiro Yamauchi | Saga University | S1 |
2024B0244 | Muon spin rotation and relaxation study of the Ir4+ trimers in Ba5CuIr3O12 | Devashibhai Thakarshibhai Adroja | ISIS | D1 |
2024B0245 | Study of the magnetic field effect on the repolarization efficiency by SEOP of muonic helium atoms | Patrick Strasser | KEK-IMSS | D1 |
2024B0252 | A search for efficient muonium emitters at cryogenic temperatures | Sohtaro Kanda | KEK-IMSS | D2 |
2024B0257 | Investigation of the in situ excitation process of elastic mechanoluminescence | Xu-Guang Zheng | Saga University | S1 |
2024B0263 | Muon spin relaxation study in the supersolid state candidate EuCo2Al9 | Mingfang Shu | Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) | S1 |
2024B0280 | Study of oxygen-nitrogen configurations in perovskite ATaO2N (A=Sr, Ba) by μSR and μ-LCR | Masanori Miyazaki | Muroran Institute of Technolog | S1 |
2024B0308 | Characterization of Single Event Upset Cross Sections for 12 nm and 28 nm SRAMs Subjected to High-Energy Muons to Estimate Muon-Induced Soft Error Rates in a Terrestrial Environment | Masanori Hashimoto | Kyoto University | D2 |
2024B0312 | Elucidation of the influence of cosmic ray muons on the generation of organic compounds II | Soshi Takeshita | KEK-IMSS | D1 |
2024B0328 | Competition between Magnetic and Spin Liquid States in the Ca-doped Ba3ZnRu2O9 | Dita Puspita Sari | RIKEN | S1 |
2024B0329 | High precision x-ray spectroscopy of muonic atom up to 100 keV region using TES detectors | Tadashi Hashimoto | RIKEN | H |
2024B0368 | Field-angle dependence of muonium g-factor in rutile TiO2 | Takashi U. Ito | JAEA-ASRC | S1 |
2024B0069* | Intensive muSR studies of the sigma- and pai-bridged thiobenzophenones | Shigekazu Ito | Science Tokyo | (S1) |
2024B0089* | Unconventional field-induced phase transitions in one-dimensional spin chain antiferromagnet | Nan Zhao | China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) | (S1) |
2024B0090* | Study of intrinsic dilute magnetic semicondctors | Xu-Guang Zheng | Saga University | (S1) |
2024B0091* | Comparative studies on the spin dynamics of the Shastry-Sutherland magnets Pr2Be2GeO7 and Nd2Be2GeO7s | Hanjie GUO | Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory (SLAB) | (D1) |
2024B0107* | Investigation of muon spin relaxation in antiferromagnetic quasicrystal approximant Au66Ga20Eu14 | Shintaro Suzuki | Aoyama Gakuin University | (S1) |
2024B0168* | Study of muon diffusion in cold metals aiming at the development of a new slow muon beam generation method | Yugo NAGATA | Tokyo University of Science | (D2) |
2024B0189* | Muon Spin Relaxation Study of Spin Dynamics and Magnetic Phase Transition in CeRh2Ga2 | Vivek Kumar Anand | University of Stavanger | (S1) |
2024B0191* | Emergence of optical activity in achiral amino acids and their precursor molecules by spin-polarized muon beam | Jun-ichi Takahashi | Kobe University | (D1) |
2024B0193* | Negative muon spin rotation and relaxation on the anode material for Na-ion battery | Jun Sugiyama | CROSS | (D1) |
2024B0196* | Magnetic dynamics of kagome antiferromagnet Nd3BWO9 at low temperature through MuSR investigation | Kan Zhao | Beihang University | (D1) |
2024B0216* | μSR study of S = 1/2 kagome antiferromagnet InCu3(OH)6Cl3 | Hiroyuki Yoshida | Hokkaido University | (D1) |
2024B0217* | Search for the KPZ universality class in one-dimensional quantum spin systems by muon spin rotation/relaxation | Ichihiro Yamauchi | Saga University | (D1) |
2024B0220* | Zero-field muon spin relaxation studies of fractal nanosystems with proximity-induced superconductivity | Takashi Uchino | Kobe University | (S1) |
2024B0242* | µSR investigations of barriers in deep geological repositoriess | khashayar ghandi | University of Guelph | (D1) |
2024B0243* | Muon spin rotation and relaxation investigations of a triangular lattice compound KPrSe2: A possible quantum spin-liquid candidate | Devashibhai Thakarshibhai Adroja | ISIS | (D1) |
2024B0250* | Energy spectra measurement for charged particles emitted following muon nuclear capture in Co, Ni, and Cu nuclei | Shoichiro Kawase | Kyushu University | (D2) |
2024B0267* | Non-destructive depth selective analysis of trace carbon in steel by muon lifetime method | Kenya Kubo | International Christian University | (D1) |
2024B0270* | Non-destructive identification of isotopic composition by gamma-ray measurement emitted after muon induced nuclear reaction | Kazuhiko Ninomiya | Hiroshima University | (D2) |
2024B0279* | Determining the 3D XY universality class in a spin-chain compound | Cheng Su | Beihang University | (D1) |
2024B0281* | Elucidation of structural changes in fused quartz by light illumination | Tamiko Kiyotani | Showa Pharmaceutical University | (S1) |
2024B0317* | Visualization of hydrolytic enzyme reaction in Lysozyme | Ichiro Tanaka | Ibaraki University | (S1) |
2024B0367* | Depth-resolved detection of oxygen vacancies in perovskite titanate dielectrics | Takashi U. Ito | JAEA-ASRC | (D1) |
* 予備採択